friends in low places

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Today started off as a good day.

Delilah and I slept through the night in our own beds. I ate a good breakfast and didn't feel sick. The commute to work was nice and I was in the middle of an engaging conversation with Luke. But it came to a halt when we walked by Penelope's office.

We walked in and saw he crying at her desk. "Are you okay?" Luke asked.

She seemed startled to see us and quickly wiped away her tears and sprung out of her chair.

"I'm okay, really. You guys can go." Luke shook his head and closed the door to her office. "We can't just leave you like this, talk to us."

I had a feeling I knew what this was about. "Is this about Spence? I know you saw him."

She nodded her head at my question. I knew that seeing him was rough on me, but I didn't expect the others to feel the same way.

"He's hurt."

My morning wasn't so good anymore. Luke had a concerned look on his face. "How bad?"

"Real bad. Like 'he should be in protective custody' bad."

I couldn't help but worry that it was my fault. I go and see him and now he's hurt. Maybe they figured out I was a fed.

"Does he have any friends he can stick around?"

"He's got two," I spoke up. "Yeah, Delgado and Shaw," Penelope finished.

"Shaw? Like Calvin Shaw?"

"In his letter he did mention a friend named Calvin. You don't think it's-"

"I think so," he cut me off. "I'm gonna talk to Prentiss. Maybe I could talk to the prison board about getting extra eyes on him. Maybe Emily can see if his lawyer can do anything on the legal side."

A noise coming from Garcia's computer grabbed our attention. "That'll have to wait, we've got a case."

"I'll talk to Prentiss now and figure this out." He paused and put a hand on each of our shoulders. "We are gonna get Reid through this."

We walked out into the hall and I stopped Luke before he could get too far.

"Thank you... for doing this. I appreciate it."

He sent me a smile and was on his way to talk to Prentiss. He was gonna join us later while we were on the case. I felt a little rusty, it being my first case in a while, but I was prepared. Spencer always said compartmentalizing wasn't a good coping mechanism, but wallowing in my own self pity wasn't really an option.

We were off to Vermont catch this psycho killer. I had been doing fairly well on this case so far. When we were back at our hotel rooms, I made a quick call home to see how everything was going. Delilah had a better day at school, her friend Darcy still hanging out with her despite her mother's protests. But even from over 500 miles away, I could tell she really wanted me there.

She was already struggling with one parent temporarily out of the picture and I felt like a horrible mom for leaving her for work. My dad had reassured me plenty that I wasn't a bad mom.

I started to feel a little better when Luke finally joined us the next day. "Hey, how'd it go?"

"We can't get him into protective custody, but he should be protected by his friend Shaw."

"Was he the agent that killed his informant?"

He nodded. "Apparently he's got it pretty well there. I gave him a pretty good reason to help out Reid."

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