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"I gotta ask. It's Friday night, why are you doing homework?"

"I like getting it out of the way. Why put it off when I could get it over with?"

"I used to wait until Sunday night to do my homework. Thankfully, you take after your father."

Delilah was now almost eleven years old and she keeps getting smarter and smarter each day.

It's been about five years since Spencer's arrest. Things were going pretty well in the Reid household.

After a few kidnappings and hostage situations, a temporary job replacement, a crazy confession, and a serious brain injury, Spencer decided to leave the BAU and commit to teaching. I still stayed with the team. It was a little hard adjusting to Spencer not being there with me, but I still loved my job.

The nightmares and breakdowns had lessened and Spencer seemed happy. He loved being home more often. His incarceration and the events that followed showed him that there will always be work and he wanted to be with his family more.

"Speaking of dad, can we go bug him?"

"Sure. I think he's with Ethan."

We made our way up to my bedroom to find Spencer asleep with Ethan next to him.

Oh yeah, we had another kid. Ethan is about one and a half now and he's already a genius, which doesn't surprise me. Our friends were all excited about our new addition, Penelope over the moon that this baby genius was her godson.

"Be careful. Your brother has an ear infection."

Delilah made her way on the bed snuggled up to the available side of Spencer. He started to stir, his arms tightening around both kids.

"Hey Dee. You finish your homework?"

"Yeah. Mom made fun of me for doing it on a Friday night, though."

"I did not make fun of you!"

"It's okay, Dee. Your mom is just jealous she didn't have your work ethic when she was in school."

I laughed and joined them on the bed. I tried my best to maneuver Ethan without waking him up.

"How's he doing?"

"I think his fever has gone down a bit. He still seems a bit miserable, but he got some good sleep."

I moved the hair out of his face as he continued to sleep on my chest, his hand grabbing a tiny fistful of my shirt.

He looked just like Spencer, it was adorable.

Delilah reached over and started to gently rub her brother's back. She loved having him around. She was always ready to help out when he was a baby and loved holding him. Whenever we have movie nights, those two are always curled up with one another. They're practically inseparable.

"If Ethan is feeling better later, can we have a movie night?"

"Sure thing."

We stayed curled up together for a while longer. Delilah started to fall asleep, one hand on her brother's back and the other holding Spence's arm.

"I got a call today," Spencer spoke softly, breaking the silence.

"They finally put her headstone in. I was hoping we could visit her tomorrow."

About 2 months ago, Diana passed away. Spencer was by her side, holding her hand while she died. She had a moment of clarity before she passed, remembering who Spencer was and getting to tell him she loved him before she died later that night.

Hold My Girl (spencer reid x oc) ✅Where stories live. Discover now