Chapter 7~ First Mission

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It's been around five years? Or at least I think. Time sometimes passes either extremely slowly or concerningly fast. Not to mention they don't even let me out. I've trained hard and some even say I'm better than others that have been training for years. I keep switching trainers though. After I learn everything they can teach me they go. I learn quite fast and because of that, no one stays for more than a week.

"You seem distant," Vlad says as he spars me and knocks me on the ground again.

"It's just that, I haven't gone anywhere. Not that I mind. I wouldn't even know what to do outside. But if I haven't gone anywhere that also means I haven't gone on any missions."

"You aren't ready."

"You can't keep saying that."

"Yes, I can. If I'm right. "

"You aren't."

"You haven't even mastered what is in here." He pointed at my heart. "Or here." Then my brain. "Or anywhere." Lastly, he gestured at my whole body.

"No one has come yet to train me on my powers. Not that I need them too anyways. I do just fine fighting with my fists. And training myself with my powers."

"You aren't ready for a mission and that's final."

"If your going to keep me trapped in a cave then at least let me go fight."

"You aren't ready." Vlad snapped and raised his voice. "You fight like a child. And you act like a child. Your powers are out of control. If you got caught out there you would die and everybody else would because you couldn't do it." Tears stung my eyes.

"All I want to do is prove myself." The room shook a little and I turned and walked out of the training room. I'll show him. I thought. I wasn't paying attention to where I was walking but I ended up in a large crowd. People around here know me so I needed some cover. I went behind a pillar so no one could see me.

"Come on. You can do it. Just like we practiced." I whispered. Then I felt my powers surround me. Like magic but with magic it can go but I felt this it felt like nothing could take it away from me. Like it was always mine no matter what. I walked right into the group because I could tell the illusion was working. No one stopped me. Then I saw the General.

"Today soldiers you'll be going to retrieve this." He pointed at the screen. There was this huge ruby on the screen. It was a beautiful gem although I couldn't start to understand why the General would need it. Yet again greed does crazy things to someone. 

"You'll fly here and retrieve it by any means necessary." The General continued. "Now go and don't come back unless you have it." All the men started boarding a plane. This is it I thought. My first ever mission!

I'll get that ruby.

Any means necessary.


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