Chapter 2~ The Humming In The Woods

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I heard this humming. I felt drawn to it like opposite sides of a magnet. So I decided to say goodbye to Daisy and walk towards the humming. I can't stop walking not that I want to anyways. I was curious. When I got close enough I could feel the heat on my skin but it wasn't burning. It was like sunlight shining on you in a grassy meadow.

And the light was so bright I felt like my eyes would burn out my eyes but, to my surprise the light felt good for my eyes as if helping them to see what was in the light. To see clearer. Better. When I finally think I got through to the center I was wrong. It felt like this light went on forever. But I still kept walking, I felt magnetized to it.

Each step I felt more powerful. Stronger. I thought it was my childhood imagination but the more I walked the more I realized it wasn't that. Then I looked around me and I realized I was totally lost. I couldn't see the woods and I couldn't see the end of this bright light. So I ran. I ran and I ran. The thought of at least seeing something different then the light. A center. Anything. I was trying to run to it. Then all of a sudden the area around me changes and I see this big orb of light. I can feel the light and it shinning on my face.

I feel so powerful inside and out and I hear a whisper.

"The one had been chosen to lead the path.
But beware of the power's wrath.
Be righteous. Courageous. And be true to oneself.
Or the power might overtake themselves.
Touch the power. Let it be you and your guide on your path.
And beware of everyone's wrath."

"Who are you." I say trying to find an answer but all I hear is silence.

This is crazy it couldn't be talking to me. But I can't help myself. I remembered the words and they were etched in my mind. I was chosen and it felt good to hear that.

I reach out.

Then everything changed.

An Experiment...Bucky x Steve x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now