Chapter 3~Found

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The soldier had been walking for a while in the rubble and still had not found anything. If he kept this up he would be killed or worse tortured until he died from the pain.

"Have you found anything?" The general yelled.

"Nothing yet!"

"You better boy or I'll have your head!"

Then he heard a rustle coming from near the edge of the forest.

"Hello? Anyone there?"

He walked closer. Then he heard another rustle. He walked even closer and saw something in the corner of his eye. Just a few more steps and he found his salvation. A little girl. She looked terrified and fainted just when the soldier saw her. The soldier took her in his arms and ran to the General.

"Sir! Sir! I found! A girl!"

He raised her so the General could see her.

"Antoine! The civilians you mentioned before... did they have a child?" 

"Yes, sir they did." 

"Well...did she look like that?" The General said with impatience. Just as he ask Antonie raised a hand to his ear and spoke. 

"Our men have found some photos, sir." A soldier walked up to the General and handed him the album.

"Sir, this is her."

They compared the pictures and found it to be a match. The General put on a wicked smile.

"Bring her. We just might have found where the entity went. Right inside this girl. We should cut her up and get it back."

The soldier that was holding her suddenly became worried for her and wanted to protect her.

"Sir maybe...we could use her."

At the sound of having some type of super-soldier, the General turned around.

"Speak Vlad, you have 5 minutes."

Vlad wanted to appeal to the General so he thought of everything he liked.

"Well, sir I mean it's much easier than just killing her. Easier to clean up."

One point.

"Also, what is to say the entity goes away and it will take more time to find it again. We already have it contained. We could use her and train her to be the best. of us... besides, we've talked about having an enhanced individual before... maybe she is our shot. "


"Alright. Bring her. Treat her like a princess. She might be just the thing will need for Hydra and a new world."

So that's how it all began.....

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