Chapter 5~ Explanations

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"So explain."

"Long ago we had found a strong power source near where you lived. We had tracked it for a long time. We also tried to get the entity tested but oddly enough we could never pin down any useful data. Until you. Whatever it was, it has gotten to you and you are the only thing left with the entity and that's why we need you."


"Okay? That means you'll help us."

"Yes. Under certain conditions."

"Like what."

"Like, I want to be trained the best. I want the best teachers and weapons. I want the best outfits. I want to be spoiled. I also want to have a proper funeral for my parents. You haven't mentioned them which means they are dead. Last but not least, no one comes near me unless I say so, and guards at my door twenty-four seven."

"Is that all?" He looked at me like I was a spoiled brat.

"Don't look at me like that. I just lost my home, and my parents, and if I said I didn't want to work with you I would die. At least this way I get something out of this arrangement. Even if it's mostly stuff and not things I would like. Like my family." My eyes got tearful and for the first time since I got here, I start to cry. Vlad had come close and pulled me into an almost fatherly hug.

"I'm sorry about your family."

"It was my fault I shouldn't have walked to that light. I had no right."

"No, it isn't. I have a feeling that it would have found you either way. At least this way you did it on your own accord. Now, you must not cry they'll take you as weak and you need to be strong in front of them. Survival is key."

"Survival is key."

"Now I must go and tell them what you have told me. Get comfortable this might take a while."

He walked out of the room and I felt alone but, I remembered what he said.

Survival is key.

An Experiment...Bucky x Steve x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now