Chapter 9

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'thoughts' - this is showing the person is thinking

"speaking" - this is showing the person is speaking

actions - when nothing is around the words, the story is in place.


"Look at this kid alone." Some of the rogues whispered while chuckling.

Hikaru didn't bother to look behind him knowing Itachi was crying.

Hikaru still felt Itachi's chakra behind him so he tried distracting the rogue ninjas by spinning his sharingan and flaring his chakra knowing it will get Fugaku to immediantly get help.

"Is this brat the target?" One of the rogues suddenly say as they chased Hikaru.

"The person said one of the sons of Fugaku and Mikoto Uchiha." The other rogue said.

"Then this brat must be their son! He has a blood red matured sharingan!" Another rogue said.

"The person did say that one of them has to have white chakra. and if one does, the other would be right next to him." Another rogue popping up.

Hikaru suddenly let an expression show as he was being chased down.

'How'd they know-' Hikaru suddenly thought.

All of a sudden, another rogue popped out from the trees as he followed Hikaru's pace.

Hikaru tsked' before speeding up.

"Haha! This brat is fast even though being stabbed! I see why the person told us to bring more people!" A rogue shouted with excitement.

Hikaru suddenly got the idea of a spy was spying on him and Itachi and he never noticed.

When Hikaru felt Itachi was out of his range, he suddenly stopped moving.

Hikaru felt the rogue ninjas pause and circle around him revealing the other hidden presences.

"Man this brat is crazy!" Another rogue said.

"We have to bring him alive alright boys?!" A rogue said.

The rogues cheered.

"How do you know that?" Hikaru suddenly asked.

"Huh? What is that brat talking about?" Another rogue said.

"How do you know classified information?!" Hikaru questioned.

One of the rogues started chuckling under his breath.

"Who are you to ask me questions brat?" The rogue questioned.

"But boss, he won't be alive wither way." The rogue next to him answered.

"Your right." The boss said.

"Fine we will answer your question, the person who hired us gave us the information and who knows where he got it from." The boss said while chuckling.

Hikaru quickly grabbed a kunai from his bag and got ready to fight.

A rogue whistled and said, "Woah, nice stand you got there brat."

Hikaru held back the urge to roll his eyes as he charged at one of the rogues.

Hikaru and the rogue went to battle for a few seconds before the other rogues started to move around them both.

Hikaru's vision slowed down as he tried to widen his vision of sight with his sharingan.

Hikaru quickly stepped on the tree next to him and threw himself in the air gracefully.

Hikaru brought out his limited 4 kunais and threw them at the weaker chakra rogues.

The kunais landed onto the rogues vital spots and they were taken down.

The other rogues shouted out in surprise and some that were close to those that were knocked down wanted vengence.

Hikaru quickly sped away from the rogues again when they were shocked at the sudden move as Hikaru looked back, he could see that the rogues were more serious as they grabbed their weapons out.

Hikaru suddenly felt a weapon cut his cheek.

'Shoot I was too distracted.' Hikaru thought.

Hikaru forgot there was one person that hasn't revealed themselves yet so Hikaru quickly spun back around making a U turn to get back his kunais. 

One rogue suddenly slipped and almost fell onto the floor.

Hikaru stiffled a small laugh and the rogue started chasing after him in a faster speed and seeing this, Hikaru sped up.

Hikaru looked back but a few rogues were missing.

It seemed as if time stopped when a equal amont of rogues came from front, back, and both sides.

Hikaru thought of jumping up but then in the corner of his eyes, he saw a rogue with a kunai ready if he was going to jump.

Hikaru did a complete risk.

The moment the rogues came near enough, a white susanoo hit the rogues into the nearby stuff.

The rogues looked at shock at the white susanoo and backed away a little.

"What the hell is that..." one of the rogues said while walking backwards.

It seemed as if Hikaru's sharingan looked more dangerous than before since his eyes spun into the mangekyou sharingan. 

Another rogue suddenly said, "What the hell are you..." 

The susanoo was flaring white chakra as they described before.

"It's him! The target! come on let's get him!" said another rogue, "We beat him with numbers and he's just a brat!"

The other rogues went into a position the leader yelled and only a few of the rogues were visible now.

Hikaru could clearly see where they were and found the weak points in the position.

The rogues kept changing positions after Hikaru kept taking down rogue in each position.

Suddenly Hikaru felt a pang of pain where he was stabbed at suddenly.

Hikaru kneeled a bit holding where he was stabbed and got back up and deactivated susanoo.

One of the rogues seemed to notice and shouted it out.

The rogues looked more determined with Hikaru having a weak spot.

Hikaru didn't notice until now but Itachi's chakra was moving in a irregular way.

Hikaru was still being chased by 6 rogues.

Hikaru suddenly wondered, 'what is taking Fugaku so long?'

'He doesn't take this long.' Hikaru thought.

'Did my chakra flare not reach him?' Hikaru thought as he tilted his head to the right as a kunai slipped past his cheeks.

Hikaru suddenly let out a even more enormous chakra flare that he knew that will spread all over the village alerting the shinobi.

"Nii-san!" ###### shouted.

'What-' Hikaru thought as he spun his head around.


Words - 1,004

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