I love you

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Draco had bought a book from their room to the infirmary. Not one of their school books or potions journals. But a muggle book that he had caught Harry reading on occasion before they were mated. The title of the book was "The Lord of the Flies" a book about a group of schoolboys that got stranded on a deserted island.

Draco read the book to Harry as they relaxed on the surprisingly comfortable bed of the hospital wing.

Harry slowly drifted to sleep again. Draco stayed awake consumed with the boys depicted in the strange muggle book. A type of literature he had would have never explored before he met Harry

The pair stayed cuddled up till lunchtime when Madam Pomfrey woke Harry up so he could eat. Then she would give him his last potion then they could go up to their rooms.

For lunch, Draco ordered them some rare steak with mashed potatoes. Harry ate as much as he could, Draco was pleased that he ate most of his plate. But he still tried to get Harry to eat more, but Harry still couldn't stomach that much. Draco nodded, setting Harry's plate aside and then cleaned his own.

Madam Pomfrey took note of how much Harry ate before she left to get Harry's potion. She handed Harry two bottles, she left after making sure he had drank every last drop. Then she checked Harry's vitals one last time before she allowed the pair to return to their dorms


When the boys returned to their rooms they cuddled, munching on cookies that they had made days prior. Still burned, but somehow still good.

Harry had been quiet ever since they had gotten back in their rooms, his silence was getting Draco a little worried.

"Are you okay Harry?" Draco asked him after Harry had zoned out again.

"Huh?" Harry snapped back into reality after Draco tapped him on the shoulder. "Oh, sorry there's a lot on my mind. What were you saying?

"What's on your mind love?"

"A lot"

"Do you want to talk about it?"

Harry nodded. Draco could sense how nervous he was. The recent scuffle with Ron had brought back flashbacks on the Dursley's to Harry, and he thought it would be better if he talked to Draco about it.

"I'm here for you, love" Draco opened his arms to hug Harry. Harry crawled into Draco's comforting embrace. His scent calming. His embrace the last safe place for Harry. The Dursley's, neglected and forgotten. The wizarding world, famous and infiltrated with people willing to hurt him. Hogwarts, bullied, attacked and gawked at by students and teachers. Draco's presence was truly Harry's last safe place.

"So what's on your mind Harry?"

"Draco what do you know about my childhood?"

Draco was confused, but he could figure out where this was going?

"Umm.. not a lot to be honest. When I was younger i used to think you lived a very privileged life."

"Used to" Harry looked questionably

"My views have changed"

Harry just nodded, not really knowing how to respond

"Well, I didn't have the best childhood." And Harry tore down the dam, and the water just flowed. Harry told Draco almost everything. He told him about how his food was limited, how he was forced to do the chores since he was a young kid, how he was discriminated against because he was magical, how he was ignored in his own home. How he felt like a ghost for the first 11 years of his life.

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