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Draco and Harry moved all their things into their joined room in the "couples" hallway. The couple's common room was very similar to the submissives common. But there were a lot more loveseats and secluded corners. It was very cozy and the color scheme was a nice grey, cream, black. In the corner, there was a basket of nice fluffy throw blankets and another filled with soft pillows. It was a very comfy area to just cuddle and hang around. It was still early in the morning so there weren't many people out in the common room.

Harry had let Pansy go back down to the dining hall since she couldn't go into the couple's hallway. So Harry lugged his trunk down the hallway. He didn't remember it being this heavy. Harry barely went 3 doors down before he collapsed on top of his luggage, panting softly.

"Why is this so heavy! It wasn't this heavy at the start of the year. It must be all the clothes that Pansy bought me."

"Need help?"

Harry jumped a bit surprised by the smooth voice of his mate.

"Draco! Don't do that!" Harry said bumping Draco's arm playfully.

"So... you don't need my help," Draco said walking past Harry towards their room. Trunk floating above him. "You are a wizard you know"

"Yes, yes, and I would levitate my trunk if my wand wasn't packed inside"

"Ah, I see. Well, I'll see you in the room" Draco smirked turning away from his mate, not really moving.

"You big git get over here" Not really angry, he knew Draco would cave.

"No, I think you're fine."

"Draco Lucius Malfoy. I swear to Merlin if you don't help me, you will be sleeping on the couch."

"Okay okay," Draco said, flicking his wand to make Harry's fly beside his own. "Did you really think I would leave you there?" Draco said gazing at Harry's eyes, reaching for his hand and lacing their fingers together.

"No, I knew you would help me" Harry said, squeezing Draco's hand. Draco smiled back at Harry.

"But seriously me, a Malfoy. Sleeping on the couch?" Draco said, looking disturbed.

"Stop acting like a git and you never will" Harry said, opening the door to their room.

"Woah" Harry looked awestruck at their room. "This place is big" Harry jumped on their king-sized bed.

"It could be better..." Draco said smiling at his mate. "We might need to change the color scheme."

"Sure don't care as long as you don't change this bed," Harry said rubbing his face on the soft comforter.

"You are so cute," Draco said as he passed by the bedroom, and into the walk-in closet to unpack their clothes. "Harry do you want me to unpack your clothes?"

"Sure" Harry got up and went to explore their new quarters.

In the main room where they entered there was a small kitchenette that was across to a small island, that had bar stools tucked into the side. In the other corner, there was a small sitting room, and in the center, there was a small coffee table. To the side, there was a small mini-balcony where they could look out into the quidditch pitch of Hogwarts.

It was perfect.


Draco and Harry lazed around the rest of the day enjoying each other's company. Draco had changed the color scheme of the room from gold and creme color scheme to gold, gray, and green theme. The pair had unpacked all their stuff and made themselves at home in their new quarters.

Harry was curled up in the armchair by the double doors to the balcony half-asleep as he watched the sun go down. He kept gazing back at Draco as if trying to convince himself that he was where he was. In the couples hall, with a mate, with Draco Malfoy. As his mate. It was surreal. Harry was waiting to wake up to find himself back in his cupboard.

Draco glanced at Harry, his mate was perfect. So beautiful, Draco felt himself melt whenever those emerald eyes were fixed on his own. His mate was glowing with the light of the sun going down. He was curled up on the armchair facing the balcony, while Draco was on the couch across pretending to read his book, while instead observing his mate slowly drift off to sleep.

Draco watched as the golden light faded to the darkness of night. They hadn't even eaten dinner, their previous meal was lunch, he didn't want to leave his mate alone in their rooms while he went to dinner. Anyways he wasn't that hungry, even if he were he could always call for a house elf. Making up his mind Draco set his book on the coffee table and slowly picked up him mate. Surprised that he was so light. Draco made a mental note to make sure to get Harry to eat more. We're submissives supposed to be this light? Harry nuzzled his head into Draco's chest, and Draco cooed while he smiled softly at his submissive.

Harry woke up a bit as Draco set him on the bed and changed his clothes into pajamas.

"Draco?" Harry said softly not opening his eyes

"Yes, love?"

"What time is it?"

"Around 6:30"

"We should get dinner," Harry said yawning, clearly already exhausted.

"Hush, I'm not hungry, we're exhausted let's go to sleep love"

"Sounds good," Harry said, already falling asleep.

Draco went into the washroom to freshen up. He took a quick shower and put on a pair of pajamas, before leaving and crawling opposite to Harry. It was still awkward sleeping beside another person. So Draco kept to his side not knowing if his presence would be appreciated by Harry this early in their relationship. Cuddles administered by Harry was okay, but Draco didn't want to do anything if Harry didn't start it for now. He wanted things to be perfect for Harry.

Harry snuffled a bit before he turned facing away from Draco, huddling in the comforter against the freezing air. Draco watched the sleeping form of his mate for a few more minutes before he slowly slipped into dreamland as well.

By morning Harry was tucked into Draco's side.

A/n sorry this is short... school has me busy and im trying to keep an insta acc alive and then a social life on top of that. I'm still getting used to it...

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