Chapter 2

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A/n I hope you guys enjoy my story. Still don't own the characters, just the plot.


Harry crouched in the garden, where he was weeding the flower bed for his aunt Petunia. It was July 30th, the day before Harry turned 15. He sat there using the hand shovel to soften the dirt before he pulled the weed out, making sure to get the whole plant including the root. Then he places all the weeds in one pile. Harry barely acknowledged what he was doing, he was on autopilot. Daydreaming of a person, or persons who would love him and care for him, and see him. Not as the Boy who Lived, but as Harry, just Harry. He had done so much Gardening in the past that he could do this task with his eyes closed.

Harry glanced around the garden, his garden. No it wasn't his aunts, although it may be her house, her lawn. He tended to the garden, he chose the plants. He planted, watered and cared for the plants. He had no idea what his aunt did with the garden while he was away at Hogwarts, but he was certain his Aunt herself didn't tend to it. It had to be a gardener of sorts, because Harry was sure had his aunt been the one tending to the garden the plants would be wilted and ugly.

Harry loved his garden, it was his favourite place in the house. The one place he had control of. He loved tending to it. Watering the plants, occasionally sipping on the water itself to satisfy his thirst, pruning and cutting occasionally. Harry was always at peace in his garden. But even in his favourite place where everything could be perfect he was lost in thought. He couldn't stop picturing a strong person taking care of him.

He was like his plants, they were dependent on him, and he wished he could just let go and depend on someone to take care of him, instead of him taking care of himself. He was tired of it, he just wanted to let go and be happy. Not that he thought he deserved it, being the freak he was.

He had scars to prove it. Carvings all over his body, courtesy of his uncle, saying exactly what he was, an ungrateful freak who deserved nothing. He hid it well. So many glamorous and lies. Though he was sure his friends knew of his abuse. I mean Ron saved him from his room in the summer of 1st year, when there were bars on his window. What kind of person doesn't question why you have bars on your windows! They either saw it and chose to ignore it or didn't think anything of it. It hurt either way, but he got over it, they were only kids after all, and he really didn't give them any reason to suspect otherwise.

Harry finished weeding the garden and looked up at the sky for a moment. Enjoying the soft breeze for a quick moment before he had to go back into the house, away from his garden, his plants. Harry couldn't wait until he turned 17 in 2 years, he could use magic, he would be of age, he could escape. Never come back. Mayhaps he could meet that one person who would care for him. He would love that. Harry entered the kitchen after cleaning his feet on the mat outside. Once he was sure he was clean enough, he entered the kitchen to start making lunch.

He was making spaghetti carbonara. He heated up the leftover bacon from breakfast and started cutting them up into tiny bits and pieces. Then he got the cream, salt, pepper, cheese, etc. and started on the sauce. While he was waiting for the sauce to finish he started to boil water in a large pot then started to make the pasta. When Harry was finished he stared at the food for a moment before scrunching up his nose. The pasta was ok at best (for him, but really was amazing for other people's standards), it was too runny and there was too much salt and not enough pepper. But he didn't want to get scolded for being late, so he plated the carbonara into the serving pan, then brought it to the dinner table.

He then started to heat up the roast chicken from yesterday and made sure that it wouldn't get too dry. After preparing the mashed potatoes and gravy he plated them on a white long plate with floral patterns and placed them on the table. He then got the orange juice and water jug from the fridge and set them on the table. Once all the food was prepared he set the table for three then rang the bell signaling that dinner was ready. He hoped that the Dursley's wouldn't be able to taste the faults, but knowing them they definitely would.

Never in My Wildest Dreams (on break)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя