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A/N Okay... so I know that the creature that Draco and Harry are, are Veela. But like I edited "Veela" so it's not like the traditional Veela. Just keep that in mind... if you don't want to read that, then don't read it. 

Draco stood there. He was so nervous. What if Harry sent him away, he would never let that happen. After all his hard work trying to erase all the wrongs he has done in the past years, he made progress. He just hoped it was enough to make Harry give him a chance.

He watched as Harry passed in front of every dominant, he'd already ½ of the Dominants. Draco was shaking. He was so worried. Harry was at the dominant right to his left. Draco held his breath.

"Not this one."

The dominant tensed. Draco could tell the dominant wanted to pounce. The councillors got to him first. Harry moved on, as if nothing just happened. It was probably the inducers making him oblivious to the near tackle. Fortunately Draco was there to pounce on the dominant if the guards did not get there first, Draco seemed to forget that there were borders protecting Harry from that.

Draco held his breath. Harry was staring at him, direct eye contact. Draco complied and stared back at Harry as he judged him. Harry made eye contact with him one more time before he nodded his head slightly and moved on.

Draco released a relieved sigh. He could do this. Harry considered him worthy. He would prove himself able to protect and catch the precious submissive he was about to claim. Draco was on cloud nine. He had this in the bag, nothing would stop him.

"I'm finished"

Harry finished picking off dominants. In the end there were 6 dominants left. Harry's Veela was picky; only a fourth of the dominants remained.

Harry was escorted to the submissive entrance by a guard and a council member. The hedge closed behind them right after. That was the last he caught of the submissive before he could sense the strong mating hormones being released inside the maze. He surged forward, a growl forming in his throat. The scent was getting away.

Once the scent disappeared and his head cleared. He was taken to the dominant entrance and given the inducer. He could feel his senses sharpen. He let out his claws and his wings, growling he could feel other Veela's nearby. He could smell the submissive. It was faint but he could smell him. There was a hedge keeping him from the submissive he tried everything to get there. There was something keeping him from flying he couldn't cut the hedges.

He would never give up. He was going to get that submissive. Kill all the dominants that come close to him. Protect the submissive. Anger and Frustration rooted deep within him shot up. He ran towards the hedge with a shriek he needed to get to the other side, before the other dominants did.


Finally the hedge opened. Draco shot out and started tracking the submissive. There were 5 other dominants in the enclosure. He could sense 2 of them far to his left, and there were 2 on the left side. Where was the other one? He couldn't scent them out. They were sneaky; he had to keep a keen eye out for him.

He could smell the submissive he was here. His scent was so strong, the submissive had hid here until he heard the horns. He must have gone deeper into the enclosure. Draco flew, he was faster in the air.

He prepared himself to fly, he was pounced on by a bigger dominant. Draco shook him off easily. How did he not sense this was dominant coming. It must be the sneaky one. Draco growled. If this dominant thought could coerce him into becoming he had another thing coming. Draco used the bigger dominants own strength to flip him over while he was trying to ram Draco into a tree.

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