Are you sure?

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"Are you sure? I mean there are other submissives." The Elder said, peering down at Draco curiously.

"I am well aware. But I want this submissive, I will gladly do whatever it takes to catch him" Draco had a firm, determined glint in his eye that made the elder certain that the dominant was already in love with this submissive. He could predict that if this dominant wouldn't be able to catch this submissive he would be crushed.

"As long as it is within protocol."

"Yes. Of Course, what do you take me for a cheat?"

The Elder nodded, adding Draco's name to Harry's list. Almost every single dominant signed for this particular submissive, it was understandable, for he was a male submissive. They were very rare, and extremely powerful and fertile. It was no surprise to anyone who understood Veela instincts as to why a lot of dominants would aim for him.

The Elder observed the dominants, making sure everyone had already stated which submissive they hoped for. She couldn't help but notice the blond dominant, he was leaner than the others, but still very muscular, especially for a baby Veela. The Elder had also noticed that this dominant was very strong and speedy -perfect for the chase- he had a good chance of mating to his intended. The blonde was handsome, like a prince. He could very possibly be since the Malfoys were direct descendants of the once great Veela Royals. They had long since disappeared after marrying into other species and all Royal Veelas held no more power.

With a final glance the elder walked back to the elders tent, so they could tally the chasers for each sub, and decide an order.

It was no surprise that Harry was up first, he didn't even need to look at his clipboard to know that.


Harry was nervous, the line-up sheet was going to be posted today. Pansy was trying to distract him, but all Harry could think about was if he would be getting a mate at the end of this meeting.

"Here." Pansy held out Harry's Firebolt in his direction, grasping a nimbus 2000 in her other hand. 'Let's go flying. I'm probably never going to be able to distract you. But flying might."

"That... Is actually a good idea"

"Actually? Please Harry, all my ideas are good."

"Ha! Sure, so was it a good idea to go to the bathroom with nothing but a towel so you had to exit the room naked except for the towel around your waist?" Harry said eyes sparkling with amusement already starting to forget the list.

"That was an accident! I swear Potter you are going to be the death of me."

"Back to Potter now are we." Harry said as he raised his eyebrow playfully.

"Oh, you shut up, lets just go flying you dimwit"

"Aww, thnx. Love you to Pansy"

"I hate you Potter" she said glaring in his direction as Harry just laughed his arse off.


Harry had a wonderful time, at some point Draco had joined them as well. Blaise and Theo not far behind. Draco was showing off to him on his broom, doing many tricks in the air that Harry then copied right after. Blaise tried to imitate them as well, but fell off his broom and landed on his arse. Luckily he was already close to the ground so there wasn't any damage. Harry still had a good laugh.

Draco was still displaying to Harry. With Harry getting flustered all over the place as Draco was showing off his strength, and muscles that accompanied them. The inducers were making him, want- no need to act submissive to the dominants around him, he would do anything they asked him to within reason, he still had a brain. He found himself eager to make the dominants happy. They were also making him easily flustered, blushing at the most absurd things like, the other day a dominant gave him a drink when he was lounging outside in the heat.

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