Only You Harry

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Draco was exhausted; he was tired of seeing all the dominants floundering around Harry. Draco knew that there were only 3 dominants that Harry actually took notice of, himself included. But it still didn't settle his nerves.

All the time that he was able to spend with Harry was amazing. He loved the way Harry would laugh and smile, how the corners of his eyes crinkled slightly when he'd laugh or smile. Or the small quirk of Harry's lips when Draco did something idiotic. Or the way Harry's eyes twinkled.Draco had to stop himself from snogging the beautiful boy senseless whenever those eyes turned towards him. He was happy to notice how Harry would stare at him constantly, the same way that Draco would in turn stare at him.Draco was hopeful, all he needed to do was chase Harry in the hunt, if he had to he would kill all other dominants who wanted to get Harry.


Merlin does have to look so attractive.

Harry found himself thinking this a lot when Draco was in his line of sight, and he was. With his broad chest, muscles, sharp aristocratic facial features, beautiful bluish-grey eyes that pulled Harry in.

Harry's submissive instincts were screaming at him to go claim him whenever he saw Draco with the other submissives, even if Draco didn't look all that interested. They had hung out a lot in the 1st week of the hunt. They laughed and joked, made small talk, talked about opinions, Harry was fascinated on the magical world that he hadn't really explored other than Diagon alley and Hogwarts. There was so much that he didn't know. Draco helped shed some light on a lot.When Draco didn't have his masks on was actually quite decent. Harry wanted to get to know this part of Draco much much more.


The Displaying week was over. It was time for the dominants to decide who they wanted to have as their mates, which submissives they would be willing to die for, care for, love.Harry was freaking out. He was pretty sure none of the dominants would want him, he was convinced he was unlovable.

"Pansy wha-"

"Oh for the love of Merlin. Harry. NOTHING. Is going to happen. Clearly all the dominants want you. If they didn't they would be BLIND, DEAF, AND HAVE NO NOSES. You are the most sought out submissive here. The only way you'll be walking out of here mateless is if you reject ALL dominants, which we both know won't happen because of the ice prince"

"But what if-"

"If you're not ready I'm 100% sure that Draco would understand, he won't pressure you into anything you know, under all that ice is a rather warm soul."

"But aren't we too young to be having... sex... and stuff"

"No not really, us creatures mature faster, so by the time we mate it's mature enough to have children. So yes if you were a muggle or a regular wizard it would be rather weird but not uncommon, but for creatures it's completely normal."

"Oh, ok" Harry went back to staring out of the window.

"You're going to be ok Harry, and in the rare case where you are not with Draco and your dominant hurts you I will gut them, then gut Draco. AND if none of the dominants see how perfect mate potential you are it's their loss." She had a sadistic grin on her face that made Harry shiver, he didn't want to be on the receiving end of that smirk.

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