Chapter 23

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(Let's pretend the Fault in Our Stars is already published in the 1980s, also yes this is a filler i know I'm so so sorry I have writer's block this helped me get inspo back :PP )

Harry woke up the next morning, he stretched towards Draco;s side of the bed and snapped awake when he felt Draco's side cold.

He scrambled to get out of bed. Falling down when he got tangled in the blanket. Harry was panicking. He thought that Draco was having second thoughts about their mating. He thought Draco wanted to leave before he got strapped down with Harry.

He got himself untangled before running out of the room and smacking into Draco's chest. He heaved a sigh of relief, when he felt Draco's arms settle around him.

"Hey" Draco said softly, he could sense how distressed Harry was. He cupped Harry's head and kissed his forehead gently, trying to calm Harry down. "What's wrong love?" Draco asked once Harry was calmer and he didn't smell as distressed as he was earlier.

"I thought you had left me"

"Why would I ever do that?"

"I don't know? Maybe you're having second thoughts" Harry mumbled staring at his feet ''or I'm too much to handle, or a burden to you. If I was I totally under-"

Draco cut him off by tipping Harry's head to look at him. "Harry look at me, I love you. You aren't a burden to anyone, I would NEVER leave you. Do you understand love?" Draco said it with so much compassion and force that Harry could do nothing else but believe him.

"Yes," Harry said hugging Draco closer.

Draco took the time to comb his hands through Harry's hair soothing him further. He also scented Harry, but decided Harry didn't smell enough like him. Even though he knew that they were going to mate later and Harry would permanently smell like him, he liked that Harry smelled a little bit like him and vice versa.

When he finished with Harry's neck he kissed Harry softly, Harry tried to deepen the kiss but Draco pulled back leaving Harry trying to chase his lips.

"Later, now I was planning on serving you breakfast in bed, but I don't think you really wanna go back to bed do you?" Harry shook his head. "Ok then we'll have breakfast on the balcony."

"You didn't cook did you?" Harry said skeptically when he noticed that there were a few cooking materials out in their kitchenette.

"Of course I did."

"So how come I don't smell burnt food?"

"Ha, ha. Very funny Harry. That's because they aren't burnt" Harry gave Draco a weird look before he cracked. "Fine. I got some help from the elves."

"Now that makes more sense"

"Shut up Harry, now sit down and eat your pancakes" Draco said sitting on one of the couch-chairs sitting on their balcony.

Harry decided that he would much rather be closer to Draco than across a table. So he sat down on Draco's lap.

"Nah, I like this chair much better"

Draco chuckled before placing food for the both of them on his plate. They both ate peacefully, both slightly nervous for their mating in the evening but excited all the same. After they finished eating they placed the dishes in the sink and Draco charmed them to clean themselves.

Since it was still around 8am Draco and Harry read on the sofa waiting for lunch so they could meet up with their friends for lunch. Draco sat on the couch stretching taking up most of the couch while Harry sat in an armchair by the window. Harry was reading another one of his muggle books, while Draco was reading one of his potions journals. Harry would occasionally gasp or laugh every once and awhile. Draco would glance up at him every time Harry would gasp, or giggle, or face palm. He was so cute. This continued for a good hour, then out of nowhere Harry starts sobbing.

Draco was so alarmed he didn't know what to do. So he just jumped out of his seat to go over and comfort Harry who was still sobbing uncontrollably.

"Hey. Hey Harry. What's wrong love, why are you crying" Draco said in the softest voice inviting Harry into his arms. "Come here love" Harry looked up at Draco eyes wide, bright green eyes filled with tears. Draco wiped them away quickly, pulling Harry into his arms. "What's up love?"

"He died."

"Who died baby?" Draco said looking down at Harry. Fresh tears in Harry's eyes

"Augustus. He didn't have to die Draco. WHY did he have to die."

OH. Draco's mouth formed an O as it clicked. His book. That made much more sense.

"Oh, I'm so sorry love. Are you okay?" Draco asked '

"Yes Draco, I'm perfectly fine that Augustus Waters died" Harry said burying his head in Draco's chest.

"Oh, wrong question. Sorry. Do you need anything?"

"Chocolate?" Harry said, giving Draco big puppy dog eyes, that could make a heart of stone melt.

"Of course love. I'll be right back." Draco kissed Harry's nose before standing up to go to the kitchenette to get the spare chocolate bar that Harry kept in there. He brought it back to Harry who moved from the armchair to the couch that Draco was previously. His nose back in his book. He settled beside Harry, offering him the chocolate bar, which he took and broke off a piece and munched on it as he finished what looked like the last chapter of the book.

Draco didn't know what he should have done, but Harry decided for him by leaning against Draco. Resting against Draco's side, as if he didn't cry his eyes out. Draco wrapped an arm around Harry's shoulder, kissing his head softly.


After a long day of anticipating and looking forward to their mating. Our favorite couple returned to their rooms. Harry didn't really know what they were going to do, Draco however had researched on this topic prior their ceremony, he told Harry not to look it up since he wanted to be the one to guide Harry through it.


"Yes love?"

"What exactly are we going to do tonight?"

"Well, as you may know we are going to have a small ceremony, you will have to repeat a phrase after me, then I will mark you as my mate via a bite on your body. Wherever you wish."

"Oh. Okay."

"You excited love?"

"Yes! Can't wait"

That's it! Sorry for the filler but i lost inspo for a while. Anywho. Hope you liked this


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