The mating

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It was finally evening and almost time for their ceremony. Draco had taken out the robes they had worn during the hunt the Red and Blue stark opposites. The robes weren't required for the ceremony but it was tradition, and Draco would rather be wearing robes during their mating and not shorts and a long t-shirt like Harry preferred.

Nervously, Harry sat down on the chair on the balcony, thinking about what he was about to do. Was he truly ready to bond with Draco. To be so vulnerable and open to Draco. To open up his soul to another being. If it were any other person Harry would have said no instantly. Bur for some reason with Draco he had no objections. It felt right for Draco and him to be bonded, regardless of their rocky history. Harry knew in his heart. No. In his soul that him and Draco and him were meant to be.

He leaned his head back letting the cool air flow through his hair. The air was freezing, but he was too nervous to go back inside their rooms. He didn't know much of what they were going to do. Only what Draco had told him earlier that night. He tried asking for more information, but Draco wanted to guide Harry through this.

"Do you trust me" Draco had asked him when he asked for more information. Those words repeated in his head. "Of course I trust you Draco." Harry meant it. Of course he trusted Draco, why wouldn't he? "Then let me guide you through this, be your dominant. Prove to you that you can trust me."

"Why wouldn't I Dray"

Draco just looked at him.

Their conversation has been running through Harry's head ever since. Why wouldn't he trust him. Because he used to be a Prat? Sure. But he was different, he had proven himself. Draco changed, and that was good enough a reason for his picky Veela, therefore Draco was perfect for him. Draco didn't need to prove anything to him.


Draco changed into his robes, everything was in place now all he needed was his submissive. Speaking of his submissive where was Harry. Draco fixed his robes and headed out to the living room. Harry wasn't there but he could see the curtains billowing from the wind. Draco immediately knew that Harry had gone outside. He smiled softly and went to collect Harry.

He opened the curtains to see Harry sitting on the chair closest to the door, head tilted towards the sky, eyes closed. He looked so peaceful Draco hated to break him out of such a state. Draco walked up to Harry brushing the fringe out of his partner's eyes. Harry hummed softly, opening his eyes to peak at Draco. He smiled when their eyes caught the others.

"Draco, is it time?"

"Yes Harry, come on I have everything ready."

Harry stretched out towards Draco, urging him to help him up. Draco smiled as he complied, pulling Harry up into his arms and kissing Harry soundly on his lips. Harry tried to deepen the kiss by wrapping his arms around Draco's neck but Draco pulled back. He booped Harry on the nose before he dragged them to the bedroom.

The ceremony didn't really require anything, but Draco being, well Draco Malfoy. Had gotten them bracelets. Not just any type or bracelets. These bracelets were rarer now, it was a symbolism of a veela mateship. Both had the phases of the moon on them, each phase had their own charm. Traditionally the submissive bracelet would have blue gems on them, usually sapphire or a blue topaz, and dominates would have red gems such as rubies or Garnets.

Draco however made them more futuristic. Their bracelets still had the phases of the moon on them since Veela's were lunar creatures, but the Gems were different. Draco had his bracelet encrusted with tiny diamonds and sapphires, and Harry's with diamonds and emeralds.

Both bracelets had been resting on their windowsill collecting positive energy from the moon. Harry sat on the bed while Draco collected the bracelets from the window. He brought them over to the bed and lay them in between him and Harry.

" Are you ready Harry? "

"Ready as I'll ever be" Harry smiled at Draco, his eyes filled with love and trust.

"Then let's begin. When I begin your Veela will know exactly what to do don't worry, don't try to fight it. We need our Veela's to take over."

Harry nodded rolling back his shoulders, making himself as relaxed as possible. He nodded back at Draco when he was ready. Draco whispered something softly, waving his wand in a compex motion. When Draco stopped he could feel his Veela coming forward, his first instinct was to struggle against it but Draco's glowing silver eyes reminded him. He needed to go veela, he grabbed Draco's hand as he relaxed and let his veela take over.

Draco knew Harry had let his Veela take over when his eyes started glowing softly. His Veela knew what to do now.

"I Draco Lucius Malfoy, vow to be your dominant, to protect and provide for you, Harry James Potter, my submissive as well as any children we have in the future. I vow to die before any harm may come to our children. That I will strive to do my best and be there for you through thick and thin."

Draco grabbed the bracelet he had set on the bed and wrapped it around Harry's wrist.

The "vow" had brought out his more Dominant instincts and he would be a tad overprotective for the next days to come until his veela would grow confident that their bond had locked and settled.

When the bracelet was firmly clasped around Harry's wrist Harry admired it for a moment, smiling when the light refracted through the small gems encrusted into the little charms. He then looked at Draco and recited his "vows".

"I, Harry James Potter, vow to be your loyal submissive, to protect our nest and children. To be there to support you and care for you. I vow to follow and obey you to the best of my abilities. I strive to be my best for you and to be there for you through thick and thin."

Out of instinct he grabbed Draco's bracelet which was more of a cuff and placed it around Draco's wrist.

Harry noticed that like when he was taking the inducers his natural submissive instincts were coming out. He didn't want to be away from Draco. He needed his dominant to be closer to him. He made a move to go to Draco, however Draco moved first pinning Harry to the bed. His eyes weren't glowing as bright prompting Harry to come forward. Harry's Veela reluctantly followed, allowing Harry to come forward.

"Where?" Draco was too in the moment to elaborate but Harry knew what he meant where did he want the mark to be. Harry grabbed Draco's hand and brought it to his hip.

"Here, don't want anyone to see it" Draco nodded before slipping again, Harry soon followed when Draco unbuttoned his robes a bit where his hip was so he could mark it.

*slightly sexual part*

Draco leaned out to the exposed skin testing the waters. He nipped at it watched as Harry's eyes followed his head staring at him, still pinned under him. Draco lowered his mouth further to suck on Harry's smooth skin.

Harry moaned at the sensation. He had never been touched like this before, it felt so good, euphoric. Draco started biting and sucking at the skin until it marked and he was satisfied. After a few minuted he leaned back to admire his work giving it one last kiss he returned back to Harry. His eyes no longer glowing silver.


Harry leaned up to kiss Draco, wrapping his arms around him. Draco stopped him pushing him down.

"Not tonight love" Draco said softly cuddling Harry to him. "Your Veela still has a grip on your instincts"

Harry nodded understandingly and cuddled back into Draco. Drawing patterns on his chest. A few minutes later he started to get tired so Draco transformed their clothes into Pajamas and stroked his side softly. Until he finally fell asleep. Draco following soon after.

Eep I know its been a while sorry, Eh. I hope you liked this chapted :) 


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