Shut up

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"Oh, and Harry I saw you staring at Draco" Pansy smirked when Harry's head snapped her direction, Harry choked on the bite of tart. Coughing it into a napkin.

When he finally calmed down he shot Pansy in an attempt at a death glare. Pansy laughed at him.

"You are too cute if you think that is scary." Pansy said, eyes shining.

"Shut up," Harry said, returning to his tart. "Sure I was staring at Draco, I mean he is a dominant right, it must be the stimulants."

"Ah- but Harry we already said that your first instinct was to get the attention of a Dominant"

"Ya. But you said they react differently to each submissive. Maybe I'm just even more different." He smiled cheekily, Pansy just rolled her eyes.

"Ok sure, but how about the time in the library, and in potions and charms and DADA and Ca- "

"OK I get the point." Harry could feel his face burning up, like he could roast chicken on his face.

"-re of Magical creatures, and transfiguration and in the-"

"Pansyyyy, please shut up" Harry said nudging her

"-Great Hall were those the suppressant to" She said raising her eyebrow, smirking smugly.

Harry's face was bright red as he mumbled something, Pansy was barely able to hear most of it.

"Hmm, Sorry Harry dear I didn't catch that." She smirked

"I may have a tiny crush on Draco" Harry said louder this time, but not loud enough.

"Huh? I'm Sorry I didn't catch that maybe a bit louder" Harry could clearly hear the amusement in her voice, not even needing to look at her face to know that she had a shit eating grin plasterd on her face.

Harry just glared at her, this time it actually looked more scary than cute.

"Ok, OK, I get it, You are getting better at that. But really Harry" Pansy said, raising her eyebrow. " 'I may have a tiny crush on Draco' "  She said, doing a horrible impression of Harry's voice. "Tiny. Are you sure tiny."

"FINE, I may have a crush on Draco."

"Just a crush. HA that would be sneaking glances at him. Harry dear you were staring for 10 minutes before I nudged you out of your little day dream. I'd say you have a rather large crush on a certain blonde Slytherin."

"Just leave it Pans, I wanna finnish my tart."

Pansy just smirked, eyes glinting with mischief storing away that bit of information.


Draco was panicking, he needed to make a good first impression today. Being a dominant it was his job to impress the submissives. And he wasn't the only one panicking, Blaise and Theo were also in the bathroom with him all trying to fix their hair.

Theo was fluffing up his hair, and then flattening it. Draco honestly didn't know what he was trying to do with it but he admitted it did look rather attractive and could see why he wanted it like that. Blaise was trying to do something with his hair. What he was trying to do Draco didn't know because Blaise had gotten a buzzcut early in the summer, so his hair was still rather short.

Draco was trying to make his hair do the thing where it looked messy but in a sexy way. He stopped gelling his hair back over the summer when he didn't gel his hair back during the meeting over the summer and more submissives were looking at him. He didn't take any particular interest in them though, he was gay and there were no male submissves at the hunt, so he took no part. Though he did figure out that he did look better with his hair down.

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