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A/N I changed a few details about Veela's in this chapter. So basically after the hunt, they aren't a couple until they bond. Meaning until they have intercourse (but that will be later and there will be warnings, I'm not even sure if I will write it)

Harry woke up in the middle of the night. It was his second time sleeping with Draco. However, last time his feelings were clouded by the need for a mate. This time however it was his first time sleeping with Draco without the inducers. It was weird and awkward. He could feel Draco's heat on the other side of the bed. Draco's scent inviting him closer to Draco. But instead of wiggling closer Harry just turned to observe Draco.

The way the moon shined in his face. Blonde hair shining silver, pale skin white as snow. If Harry looked good in the glow of the sun going down, Draco looked amazing with the moon shining on his sleeping form. He looked peaceful, so different from how Harry remembered him from their previous years. His scent was even stronger now that Harry was facing his mate. He wiggled closer testing the waters, careful not to wake Draco up.

While wiggling closer it dislodged the comforter, and Harry noticed how much colder it was. The window was open and the cold winter air was blowing into their room. A particularly strong gust of wind made Harry shiver suddenly feeling like he was submerged in a pool of ice water. Draco's warmth seemed more inviting than ever, it was warmer than the blanket wrapped around his shivering body. So why not.

Harry moved closer and closer until he was tucked into Draco's side. His warmth surrounding his body. Harry sighed as he fits perfectly curling into Draco's body. Tucking his cold feet to rest beside Draco's warm ones. He heaved a sigh of relief, he was so comfortable it was as if Draco was made to be his pillow. Harry didn't want to overstep on boundaries not knowing how comfortable Draco was with cuddling so he settled with their position right now. For now, just imagining his arms spooning Harry into Draco's solid chest.

Once again Harry slowly drifted off to sleep. Only this time he was surrounded by warmth and comfort.


Draco woke up the next morning. He relished the feeling of sleep, not really fully waking up. Instead slowly coming to his senses. When he finally woke up enough he noticed that there was something curled into his side and something cold touching his legs. Turning his head he saw the most adorable thing. Harry was cuddled up next to him curling into his body, frozen feet smushed between Draco's legs. He was too cute, almost like a baby curling into their mother.

Draco could tell Harry was slowly waking up because Harry started to wiggle until slowly Harry smiled softly and nuzzled his head into the pillow before he opened his eyes to stare up at Draco.

"Hey." His voice breathy, still full of sleep.

"Good morning love, how was your sleep?"

"Perfect, even better with you as my heater," Harry said, but he slowly moved away from Draco slowly looking nervous.

"What's wrong?" Draco was concerned. "Did I do anything wrong?"

"No, no you didn't" Harry said rubbing his eyes. "It's just- are you okay with us cuddling? I mean, you don't really seem like the cuddling type so I assu-"

"Hey, hey. It's okay. I love cuddling no matter my previous cold exterior." Draco cut Harry's rambling, pulling Harry closer. "Now, it's too early to be awake let's cuddle love"

Harry smiled snuggling in as Draco wrapped his arm around Harry.

"Harry how do you feel about pet names" Draco asked

"It depends... like what"

"Love, Baby, Babe" Draco said, stroking Harry's side "You know, the basics. I'll think of more in the future."

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