𝘛𝘰𝘬𝘰𝘺𝘢𝘮𝘪 𝘹 𝘈𝘴𝘶𝘪 ☆ 𝘉𝘰𝘬𝘶 𝘕𝘰 𝘏𝘦𝘳𝘰 𝘈𝘤𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘮𝘪𝘢

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[ This was requested

by : questy_ ]

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𝙁𝙪𝙢𝙞𝙠𝙖𝙜𝙚 𝙏𝙤𝙠𝙤𝙮𝙖𝙢𝙞 𝙭 𝘼𝙨𝙪𝙞 𝙏𝙨𝙪𝙮𝙪
𝘽𝙤𝙠𝙪 𝙉𝙤 𝙃𝙚𝙧𝙤 𝘼𝙘𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙢𝙞𝙖

Tokoyami stared at the announcement on his phone. His favorite death metal band The Dark Wings would have a concert in his current prefecture.

Problem was, the day of the concert was also the day of him and Asui's first dating anniversary. And he was conflicted.

He had always wanted to go to one of their concerts and this was the moment all his fanboy dreams came true.

Even though he saw himself simply as an active supporter, deep inside he knew it was more than that.

With all the gloating, he didn't notice Asui peering over his shoulder.

She pats his shoulder as he jumps up in surprise and releases Dark Shadow. "It's just me Fumi-kun, kero,"

She pats Dark Shadow's head before Tokoyami retracts him.

"What are you looking at, kero?" she tilts her head to the side but Tokoyami just locks his phone and blushes.

"It's nothing you need to fret about Tsu," he pats her head. She raises a brow but doesn't question it further, she brings up the tray of cookies she and the other girls made.

"Kota-kun helped us with this, kero. Help yourself," she offers as Tokoyami gingerly takes one and observes it before taking a bite.

"It's delectable,"

"Good to know, kero," Asui smiles. Her smile makes Tokoyami scoff a bit as he smiles back at her.

Midoriya, Shoto and Iida walk in the common area as both of them wave at the couple. "Oh! Tsu-chan, Tokoyami-kun!" Midoriya waves.
Asui waves back and Tokoyami nods.

The three approach them while taking a seat on the couch. "Do you guys want some cookies? Kero," Asui offers.

"I'll pass, thanks tho," Shoto raises his hand politely to decline.

"Ah, then I'll go get one," Midoriya reaches over and takes a cookie.

"Thank you for your hard work Tsuyu-chan!" Iida does his signature hand chop before getting a cookie from the tray as well.

Midoriya takes a bite and he suddenly remembers something when he saw Tokoyami munching on his cookie.

"Uwoh, Tokoyami-kun, you like the band..lets see what was it called.." Midoriya trails off and then snaps his fingers, "Dark Wings!"

Tokoyami quietly nods and this peaks Asui's interest. She quickly cuts off the conversation before Tokoyami could respond.

"I'll go help Kota-kun and the others some more, you guys have fun, kero," she politely leaves the room but instead of going to the kitchen, she sneakily hides behind the wall separating the common area from the dining area.

"Yeah, I like their music, why'd do inquire of the dark lord's music?" Tokoyami responds.

"Oh! I saw the announcement on Twitter when I was researching and they said they'd have a concert on the 27th, are you going?" Midoriya explains while Iida and Shoto quietly spectates.

Tokoyami reluctantly looks away and sighs, "I can't on that day," he looks directly at Midoriya to seem unfazed.

"Oh? Why not?"

"It's me and Asui's anniversary that day, I gotta do something special for her," Tokoyami blushes as Iida moves his hands.

"That's an especially remarkable thing to do as a boyfriend Tokoyami-kun! Good for you!"

Tokoyami smiles softly and nods, "Indeed, I do want to make Tsu feel special,"

Asui's heart skips a beat as she can't help but smile. Although she did understand that Tokoyami might be a bit resentful for the time taken.

'The Dark Wings huh,' she thinks before making her way to the kitchen where the others were. 'I guess one concert wouldn't hurt,'

Asui was engrossed in searching for concert tickets while Uraraka sat beside her.

"You listen to metal, Tsu-chan?"

Asui shakes her head before putting in the transaction details, "I'm getting this for Fumikage-kun, it's our anniversary during the date, kero,"

"Uwaaah, you're such a sweet girlfriend!" Ochako adores her as a blush covers Asui's face.

"It's nothing much, kero," she looks back at the computer, "Fumi-kun has done a lot for me too, kero, this is just payback, kero,"


Tokoyami was dressed in a smart casual type way. He was patiently waiting fot Asui to be ready.

Admittedly he was still resentful for the missed concert. He didn't necessarily blame Asui, it wasn't her fault to begin with. Oh no, he actually blamed the management of the band.

But frolicking in such dark disputes of concert tickets would bring him nowhere. It was his and Asui's day, and that's all that mattered.

Asui comes down with a casual shirt and some jeans. Both surprised at the other's outfit choices, Tokoyami blushes.

"Ah, kero, I'm sorry I for not telling you," Asui bashfully looks down, "I- I feel underdressed," she croaks as Tokoyami shakes his head.

"Not at all, I can just change into jeans to match, do you mind?"

Asui nods and Tokoyami races back upstairs. She opens her bag to check and true enough, the concert tickets were enveloped.

A few minutes pass as he makes his way back down.

"Sorry for making you wait," he had an evident blush on his face before offering his arm out for Asui. "Let's move onward?"

"Yes, kero,"

They ride a cab that got called from the bottom of the UA mountain and head to the mall.

They were currently dining at an Indonesian cuisine restaurant.

Tokoyami hands Asui a small jewelry box. She opens it and sees a beautiful emerald necklace she has always wanted.

"Fumi-kun, thank you, kero," she smiles as Tokoyami blushes and starts to feel all fluffy. He smiles and holds her hand,

"Happy Anniversary, Tsu-chan,"

"I also have a gift, kero,"

She starts fishing for the tickets in her bag

"Fumi-kun, I overheard your conversation with Deku-kun the other day, kero," Asui brings out the envelope and hands it over to him.

"I don't mind going to the concert with you, kero kero," she fiddles with her fingers and tucks a strand of hair behind her ear.

Tokoyami opens the envelope while his eyes widen. "I- It's The Dark Wings concert ticket!"

He looks at Asui with teary eyes as he pulls her in for a hug, "Thank you, Tsu-chan,"

Asui blushes and happily smiles, hugging back the boy.

"Happy Anniversary, Fumi-kun,"


AHHHH, I hope I gave their characters justice. It was kinda hard writing Tokoyami's way of speaking but I hope you guys still enjoyed nonetheless.

☆ Cinni

ANIME ONE SHOTS!!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora