Chapter 25

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What if one day, all your nightmares becomes your….



          I was walking down the footpath as waiting for my mother wasn’t helping. I called her like, more than fifteen times and every time she says that she will be here in no time. It was getting dark and I needed to return home when suddenly a car stops by me. I get frightened and ignore the car, walking towards a nearby alley. God knows why I decided to go in an alley in order to hide or protect myself but I knew that it was the biggest mistake I’ll ever do; and it will change my life.

          I wake up abruptly from my sleep, breathing heavily. I don’t want to think about that night anymore. I hate it. I hate when the images of that night comes in my mind and destroys me once again. I still don’t understand why it had to be me.

          I bring my knees to my chest and wrap them around my arms, putting my forehead against it as I start to sob silently. I didn’t want to live a life like this. I didn’t want my life to be destroyed like this. I wanted to live like a normal teenagers who had frequent problems in life but was solved in no time. I wanted to have long nights out with friends and then get scolded by my parents for being late. I wanted to have family nights watching movies or even going out on vacations with my family. But all these dreams were shattered for two women- Ms. Grint and Jennifer.

          My thoughts get interrupted by the beeping of my phone. I wipe my tears as I receive the call without seeing the caller.

          “Good Morning beautiful,” says a familiar voice.

          I smile thinking of Kyle. I don’t know what happened yesterday or even how it happened but it just happened. Everything was so sudden that I didn’t get a chance to breathe. I never thought that after whatever happened with me, I could give in myself to someone else; some other boy.

          “Hey, you there?” he says pulling me out of my dreamland.

          “Yeah, sorry. Good morning,” I say with a hint of joy. I didn’t want him to know I was sad.

          “No problem. Anyways, I want you to be ready by 1, as we will be having lunch together,” he says and I frown.

          This doesn’t sound like Kyle. Kyle never spoke so cheerfully, using so many words. He would always talk using small phrases unless it was something to explain.

          “Shawn?” I say out softly.

          “Yeah?” he says and I get taken aback.

          Oh god, what was I thinking? I was so lost in thinking about Kyle that I had mistaken Shawn for him. I mean, they kind of had similar voice but not so similar that one could confuse between them.

          “Uh, no, nothing. I’ll be ready,” I say calmly and hang up.

          I look at the time on my phone which says it was 9:30. Wow, had a great sleep last night. I had spent the rest of the day with Kyle until he dropped me at Nathan’s place in the evening. I have never felt this good in a very long time.

          I get up from the bed and walk towards the window. The sun wasn’t as bright as it should be because of the cold weather but it didn’t bother me. I open the window, welcoming the cool breeze in and take me away with me. I close my eyes and take a deep breath, thinking of the good times that life had given me yesterday. With Kyle, I think life isn’t as bad as I thought it was.

Breeze Among Flowers (On Hold)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ