Chapter 16

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Picture of Detective Shawn Palovic.



Sometimes, memories sneak out of my eyes,

And roll down my cheeks.


          “Hey look! It’s the clumsy girl!” says a ginger-headed boy.

          I was standing in the corner of the classroom while some more boys and girls along with the ginger-headed boy started to come towards me, preventing me from walking away.

          “Don’t you know we hate clumsy people, with no sense of fashion in class? Why would you even choose to come to school?” says a boy with dirty blonde hair.

          “Eww, look at her hair!! She looks like she is a farm girl!” exclaims some red-headed girl.

          Those were apparently my classmates but I didn’t get their names right. I have been going to that school since grade one and that is how I got treated every day. I was curled up in the corner when I hear a voice of a boy defending me from all the others those who were bullying me.

          “Get a life!”

          My eyes shoot up to see a tall boy with brown hair and blue eyes, glaring at others. I don’t who he was or what made them move away. He walks towards me and extends his arm in order for me to take it, but I hesitate.

          “C’mon,” he says smiling. “I won’t harm you.”

And that was how I first met Nathan. He taught me how to stand up for oneself; how not to let the negative people and their comments in. I used to get bullied all the time at school because I wasn’t very socializing. He was the only one who seemed to give me a helping hand and teach me how to be outgoing or how to interact with people,” I pause, wiping away my silent tears.

          I look at the coffin which was now in front of me with Nathan’s body in it. I stand here on the stage, giving the eulogy speech. I had no motives to do so, as I could barely get the words out of me, but just because Nathan’s parents insisted me to do so, I am doing it to keep their words.

          “Nathan was a very optimistic person.  Moreover…. he has been a great friend,” I continue as my heart bursts into pieces saying that.

          “He always told me, he will always be there to share my sorrow, my problems along with me, but I guess he just left me to deal with them alone,” I manage to say between my sobs.

          “It’s amazing how God takes the person that means a lot to us, from among us, giving us a more clearer version of their importance in our life. I guess I wasn’t a very good friend after all. I couldn’t be there for him when he needed someone, when he needed me,” I say and get down of the stage slowly as I cannot talk anymore.

          My dad embraces me in his arms and I cry silently, keeping my head on his chest.

          “It’s okay dear,” he says, rubbing my arm gently.

          “Can I have your car? I want to go home,” I say pulling away from him and wiping my tears.

          “Sure dear. You go along, I will be home later. It will be rude to leave before the ceremony is over,” he says handing me the keys.

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