Chapter 19

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I’m tired of this game called life;

I don’t want to play anymore.


     My head was throbbing when I regained consciousness. Everything was pitch black when I tried to open my eyes. As expected, I had a blindfold on. I wasn’t able to move my hands as they were tied behind me on a rod and my legs were tied in front of me. As far as I could make out, I was sitting on a wet floor. There was a damp cloth tied over my mouth and I could taste its bitterness, which made me sick. The room or wherever I was, had an uncomfortable silence. I was breathing heavily as panic ran across my entire body. Not this again. I didn’t want to be in this position again. I was petrified. I didn’t know what to do or how to escape. My jaws were aching because of the cloth inside my mouth.

          Would I be able to escape these people now? Would they be successful this time? I didn’t know. I was helpless. No one would know that inside this motel, there were people getting abused. Yes, that’s what I called this type of act. Abusing. Tears start to escape my eyes as I thought about my past. I didn’t want to go through this same thing again. I want to run away and never look back. I just want to leave everything behind and get away.

          Suddenly, I heard a loud thud which probably came from outside. What was that? I could hear people screaming and running so fast that the floor somewhat vibrated. I swallowed a big lump down my throat as I tried to make some noise to call out for help but I failed. I was whimpering and I knew no one would enter here to check if anyone was there. Tears were falling continuously now as I cried. My throat was sore and my body was aching from pain. How much I wish I could just forget all my problems and curl up in my bed and never wake up.

          I sense a bright beam of light hit my face. Someone was here. Unexpectedly, my blindfold was removed and I tried to adjust my eyes to the light coming from outside the room through the open door. There were few men standing in front of me, and as the blurriness disappeared from my eyes, I thanked the God for saving me. They were cops.

          I tried to turn my head to the side to see who was untying my hands but I couldn’t. As soon as my hands go loose, I rub the bruise I got on my wrists from being tied. The cloth from my mouth also falls open and then I see my savior.

          “You look pretty bad,” said detective Shawn Palovic.

          “How… what… I mean, what happened?” I asked choking.

          “We got a lot of questioning to do to, Ms. Sheldon,” he said as he was untied my legs.

            He held my hands and helped me get on my feet. My head was spinning and I wasn’t able to keep control of my body. I didn’t know what was going on, but Dean and his people must have drugged me for sure. Unwantedly, I fell into detective Palovic’s arms and become oblivious.


          “There’s nothing to be ashamed of, I’m here for you,” mother says.

          “But I don’t like them mom,” I say sobbing into her arms.

          “Sometimes, we must accept the reality,” mother says and walks out of the room, leaving me alone.

          I wake up abruptly from my nightmare. I was sweating badly and my breathing was heavy. It takes a little while for me to realize where I was. The walls were beige in colour and the lights of the room were dim. I was wearing a light pink maxi dress. I look down to see a needle inserted through my arm that was connected to a liquid bag and electode patches on my chest that were connected to a monitor.

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