Chapter 17

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Picture of Monica.



What screws us most in life is the picture in our head of how it is supposed to be.



          It’s been a week since Nathan’s unexpected death. Faith hasn’t shown up to school as well. I tried visiting her but her sister would say she doesn’t want to see anybody.

          I was sitting at Abigail’s coffee shop, where Faith works, but she was nowhere to be seen. Of course she wouldn’t come to work when she doesn’t want to see anyone. I ordered a latte and was taking sips, thinking about various things when my phone buzzes. Taking it out from my pocket, I see it was a text from Aden – my only friend.

          ‘Call me when you can!’

          I immediately start typing his number when a voice pause me from doing so.

          “Are you Kyle Quinton?” says an elderly looking woman, with shoulder length, brown hair.

          “Yes?” I say raising one of my eyebrows.

          “I am Julie Grint, Aden’s mother,” she says smiling and extending her arms towards me.

          I take her hand and get to me feet. How did she know me? She didn’t see me before anytime.

          “Um, nice to see you Ms. Grint,” I say hesitantly.

          “Same here Kyle,” she says still smiling and taking a seat across me, motioning me to sit back down as well.

          “You must be wondering how did I know you right?” she asks casually.

          “Precisely,” I reply feeling awkward.

          “Aden never stops talking about you, and, well, he send me pictures of you two together. My office door was slightly open and from there I spotted you,” she says clearing my confusion.

          “Oh. Great,” I say not knowing what else to reply back.

          I know she might be thinking that I must be feeling irritated by her presence but I can’t help it if I didn’t know how to keep up a conversation going on.

          “Oh, Aden was telling you moved here, may I ask why is that so?” she asks politely.

          “Personal matters,” I say, sounding a bit rude maybe.

          “Ohh,” she says and curls her lips.

          “Did you know Aden will be here for Christmas?” she asks cheerfully.

          “Really? No I didn’t know. It’s been a while since we spoke,” I speak calmly.

          “I see. Well, he is getting a month off for the winter holidays, so he decides to visit me. Normally, it’s me who goes to California but this time, he wants to come, mostly because you’re here,” she says beaming.

          “That’s cool. Can’t wait to meet him either,” I say absolutely emotionlessly.

          There was an awkward silence between us when I decided to ask her about Faith.

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