Chapter 15

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I don’t think depression is a sign of weakness.

It simply means that I have been strong for far too long.


        I was lying flat on my bed when I heard the main door slam shut. Dad was out of town again for business purposes so the only possible person would be Ingrid. I didn’t bother getting up and checking as it might only lead to a fight. I stare up the ceiling, thinking about whatever Violet had told me yesterday at work. I didn’t get proper sleep until now because of the thoughts disturbing me. I was more frustrated because I wasn’t able to share these with anyone. I wanted to visit Nathan to check up on him as he didn’t show up to school today as well but I was extremely tired and also had to skip work.


          He was the one whom I could share these with. I could probably just ask him to come over now and that would definitely he me let go of the burden on my chest. I quickly take my phone and dial his number, but to my disappointment, it was still on his voicemail which said, ‘I might be busy right now, please leave a message,’ in his voice.

          It was in voicemail since four to five days now I guess. I have got no idea why he wasn’t answering any of the calls. He was definitely up to something and this is the first time since our friendship when he was hiding it from me. Well, not that he doesn’t hide things from me; it’s obvious he does as he has got a diary but this was something major. Something very serious, which was causing him to skip school and avoid me or anyone.

          I give up trying his phone and decide to text him asking him that I needed to talk to him urgently praying he would reply. I keep my phone beside my pillow, waiting for his reply when I hear the door close again. Did Ingrid go out?

          I get up from my bed in order to go and have a look before some intruder gets into the house. Making my way downstairs, I see the house just the way it was. The couches were perfectly made and there wasn’t anything on the kitchen counter as well. I walk towards the door and open it, which was unlocked making it obvious someone just left the house. I peep my head out to see if anyone was around but no sign of life was seen. A twitch forms in the corner of my lips as I close the door behind me and decide to go upstairs to make sure it was Ingrid who left the house.

          I take a deep breath and walk up the stairs, heading for her room. The door of her room was slightly open, and I can see the light was dimly on. I push the door very slowly, to open it wider and get a better look. There were clothes all around the floor and the covers of Ingrid’s bed was in a mess. I walk inside and move the blanket, revealing a completely naked Ingrid snoozing.

          I wrinkle my eyebrows seeing her like this. What was she up to? She never slept this way, with her room being such a mess. I put the blanket back on top of her with a disgusting look on my face and turn out in order to leave. As I turn, I see something on the floor which only widens my eyes.

          “INGRID!” I shout out on top of my lungs in order to wake her up.

          “WAKE UP YOU SLUTTY BITCH!” I say as I shake her with one of my hand.

          She groans and looks at me frowning, then quickly sits up, pulling the blanket up to her chest in order to cover herself.

          “Stop shouting, god! Why are you even here?” Ingrid says frowning.

Breeze Among Flowers (On Hold)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz