It was Poseidon's turn to raise a brow, "Did you forget it was your birthday? It's the eighteenth of August today. You're officially sixteen."

A sixteen-year-old who can't drive Percy thought darkly. He pushed that thought aside and stabbed the waffles with a fork. "Did you cook this by yourself?" Percy asked staring at a patch of flour on Poseidon's shirt.

"I did. But beware I might have overcooked it a little. Amphitrite already left for work before I made it, so I had no supervision."

Percy snorted in response and took a bite. It wasn't as good as mom's but it could've been worse he supposed. Percy smiled, "It's not bad. Why are they blue?"

Poseidon tilted his head, " I believe your mother mentioned it once that she always cooked you blue waffles on your birthday. I wanted to keep somethings the same even with all these changes lately."

Percy celebrated every birthday with his mother after they separated. This is the first birthday he wasn't gonna celebrate with her. This thought made him feel hollow on the inside. Percy hurriedly tried to make my mind go somewhere else.

"Thank you! Is Hestia still coming for dinner tonight?"

"About that. Hestia called again this morning and everyone kinda wants to see you. I think we might have a bigger audience than just Hestia. Unless you want it to only be Hestia? I'm sure they will understand due to your injuries if you want a smaller crowd."

"Everyone as in everyone, or just the usual?" Percy asked hesitantly.

"Everyone minus Demeter, Hephaestus, Ares, and Artemis. So yeah the usual." Poseidon said.

Percy father's side is quite huge, and very interesting to say the least. Uncle Zeus did make the news for being America's youngest current father, back in the day.

"Since it's your special day, I remember you asking for something a couple years ago. I was hoping you didn't change your mind about it, because I got it for your present." Poseidon drew Percy's attention back.

He crinkled his brows intrigued. What did he ask for? Percy desperately tried to rack his brain for any hints. Before Percy could voice any of these hints, Poseidon opened the door and whistled.

Percy's eyebrows shot up as a a huge mound of black fur jumped on the bed. Percy was getting assaulted by a wet tongue licking my face. He put his arms to cover his face and laughed. Another whistle filled the air, and the beast returned to his father's side.

"The previous owner named her Mrs. O'Leary. We can change the name if you want. She's a Newfoundland, and she is two. You still wanted a dog, right?"

"Yeah. But I thought you said Amphitrite didn't like cats or dogs?"

"She doesn't. Though it took a lot of convincing to do on my end, we were able to agree on it. Mrs. O'Leary is very well trained. She is also trained as a emotional support dog, she can sense your emotions and can help bring them back to normal. I thought it might help you a bit after..." Poseidon trailed off not really knowing how to continue.

"Thank you! Really, thanks!" Percy said holding out his hand for Mrs. O'Leary to sniff.

"Yeah. Um.. Do u want to do anything today? It's 10:30 in the morning, we have time to do something. We have a couple movies downstairs if you want to watch them?"

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