Chapter 5

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Percy sat down in the passenger seat while Triton started the car engine. Percy leaned his head against the window watching the New York scenery go by. He jumped in his seat when Triton's voice filled air.

"Now remember I don't know you, and you don't know me. We have different last names since you took your mother's name, so hopefully no one links us together. We should get there early enough so they won't see us together."

Percy fought the urge to scoff at his reasoning. Despite them having different last names, they both inherited their father's looks. They have the same hair, except Triton's hair was longer and was almost always tied up. They had identical sea-green eyes, and they both have tanned skin. Somebody will connect the dots at some point.

Instead Percy nodded silently and prayed that the awkward car ride will end. In reality the drive should take fifteen minutes in New York traffic. One of the longest fifteen minutes of Percy's life.

Triton pulled into a parking lot in front of a rather large building. The bolded letters on the center read GOODE HIGH. What could be so good about a school that you have to name it Goode? Percy chuckled to himself.

Triton already slammed the car door before Percy even processed what was going on. He mumbled out a curse and quickly grabbed his crutches from the backseat and opened the car door. Percy stood up so fast he almost toppled over face first into the pavement, luckily he held his balance with the crutches. Amidst Percy's struggle he looked up and Triton was already at the front doors, not even sparing him a glance back to see if he needed any help. Figures.

Percy finally made it to the entrance of school and Triton was nowhere to be seen. Probably already at the pool. No tour no help nothing. That's his brother. Might as well make the best out of it.

The entrance of the school is grand. On either side of the walls there's a long line of trophies the school has earned over the years. Along with photos of the students who earn them.
Once the trophy cases reaches its end, there is two set of stairs on the left hand and right hand sides of the wall. And behind the staircases are two different hallways filled with lockers and classrooms.

Percy sighed and trudged down a hallway in hopes of finding the main office. The hallways are empty given the time of day and only the sound is the clinking from his crutches hitting the wood floors. The majority of the classrooms are dark and empty, there's an occasional room with an early bird teacher catching up on their work. He didn't bother to go and ask for directions from them since they seemed too busy with their last minute lesson plan.

Percy continued his way down the hallway observing the different ways he could get around without being pummeled. Another clinking sound became apparent around the corner. Percy's mind quickly connected the sound as heels; a teacher.

A young women rounded the corner her head down as her hands are frantically flipping through papers. She almost passed him without noticing that another person was here. He cleared my throat to get her attention.

Her head snapped up, "Oh I'm sorry, I didn't see you there. I was too busy looking through these last minute plans, and I- Oh my!" She cut off after noticing that half of his leg was missing.

Percy's face quickly heats up in embarrassment. But he managed to stutter out, "Do you know where I can find the main office. I-I'm new here".

She tucked a loose caramel colored curl behind her ear, " Oh- um.. Of course! It's that door to the left just behind the main entrance staircase. Do you need help?" She asked politely though still red from her outburst.

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