Chapter 3

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*3 months later*

It's now August and Percy was able to leave the hospital. He left on crunches due to the fact that he was missing his right leg above the knee. His stump is still in the healing process so he wasn't able to wear a prosthetic. He wouldn't be wearing a prosthetic for at least another two months.

The past three months he has been through was in a drugged induced state, so everything has been a blur.

He's going to be living with his father in New York now. Which is still a shock to him, no amount of time will ever enforce him to be alright with this sudden change. He did love his father, but he rarely saw him during Percy's stays in New York. Poseidon was usually stored away at his job throughout the day, saving sea creatures and making new discoveries about the deep blue. Leaving Percy with Amphitrite and Triton for most of the summer.

Poseidon called an Uber and they were on the way to the airport. The ride was quiet, Percy stared out the window, taking in the city for the last time. Luckily he didn't have any deja vu of the accident in the Uber, so that's a plus. In a matter of a few minutes they arrived at the airport.

Going through airport security with crutches is a nightmare for Percy. He had to hop his way through metal detectors and other searches. But nevertheless they made it to the plane on time. The plane will take them from California to Texas, then fly out from Texas to New York. Luckily he did not have to go through security again.

The only thing Percy could think about was the life he's leaving behind. A loving mother, step father, and a girlfriend is now in the past. He have no choice but to move on. Saying goodbye to his girlfriend in the hospital was painful and very emotional.


It's been a week since the accident and the only visitor Percy had was my father. But that changed when Rachel came by and checked on him.

He heard a knock on the door. Must be another doctor.

"Come in"

The door open, but instead of a doctor in a lab coat or a nurse with scrubs, it was his girlfriend; Rachel.

His eyes started to tear up at the sight of her. She was beautiful with her frizzy red hair tied back into a messy bun, even though her eyes were bloodshot didn't make her any less attractive. But deep down he knew the choice he will have to make, and it isn't easy.

"Oh Percy, I was so worried" she clasped his hand and gave a slight squeeze "When I heard about the accident, I was in shock and in denial about such a catastrophic event occurred, and I'm so, SO sorry about-"

"Rachel" He cut her off from her ramble "Rach, I appreciate the concern and all, and I'm glad that you came and visit. I really did miss you, even if it has been only a week. But we need to discuss the future."

She averted her eyes to the floor and squeezed his hand tighter.

"As you know I will no longer be staying here in San Francisco, and will be moving in with my father on the other side of the country for at least three years, and-" tears ran down his cheeks, his breathing hitched " long distance relationships never really work... I don't think we can be a couple anymore" He choked out the last sentence.

Rachel bursted into tears as well. They sat there for a few minutes, trying to collect themselves but miserably failing.

Rachel was the first to speak, "It's probably for the best that we remain friends, but promise me that you'll stay in touch" she sniffed followed by a hiccup

He nodded "of course, I promise".

She lingered around for a few moments before they said their tearful goodbyes.

It was the last time he'll probably ever see her.

He shifted my gaze to the window of the airplane looking at the display of white clouds. He was in no mood to try and sleep on the three and a half hour trip. So he tried to imagine how his new life will turn out.

Amphitrite will be all sweet and jolly when his father is around, but the second he leaves, she'll tell me how useless Percy is with only one leg. Triton doesn't give a shit about what he does, as long as it doesn't get in his way. Poseidon will try to be there for him for the first couple weeks, but work will stray him away. Thalia will be the constant mother hen and check up on him. Nico will stare at him and avoid talking to Percy, afraid he will say something wrong. Jason will try and cheer him up, talk about anything except for the accident. And school will be another nightmare, being on crutches is a target for bullies, and the teachers will be sorely disappointed on his academic skills.

Percy is so excited to start my new life.

He sighed and willed the plane to swallow him whole.

The plane finally landed, his dad grabbed his bags and he headed out of the busy airport. He led the way to his car in the oversized parking lot. Percy was silent for the whole walk. Not wanting to stir up any conversations.

Again the drive was silent, Poseidon didn't really push it. He just turned on some music and they were on the way.

By the time he pulled into a familiar neighborhood Percy's nerves started to kick in. He pulled up to the house. Nothing has changed, the outside panels of the house are a dark blueish grayish shade, with a white front door and a welcome mat. It was a two story house with a decent sized front yard and a swimming pool in the back.

Poseidon grabbed his bags and they headed to the front door. Amphitrite opened the front before they even knocked. She had a grin plastered on her face, her dark hair was pulled into a tiny ponytail, and she was wearing a simple t-shirt with jeans.

"Hello Percy, it's good to see you. I'm very sorry for your loss, but you're very welcomed here. Let me get that Poseidon" Amphitrite grabbed the bags, her facade almost made Percy sick.

The house on the inside didn't change either. The wood floors in the living room and the kitchen stayed the same. The furniture is in the exact same position as last year. Come to think about Percy didn't think it has ever changed.
Hi eyes landed on Triton who was sitting on the couch watching tv.

Triton looked up at me, looked at my leg then returned to the television. Percy didn't expect anything less or more. He hobbled on crutches upstairs to his room, cursing as he almost fell on a step.

Amphitrite already set his bags in my room. As with everything in the house his room didn't change. The walls were still a turquoise color, the carpet was the same. His queen sized bed was the same. He stared at the room trying to find any difference of the room, but coming up empty handed. He focused his attention to unpacking.

After putting away everything, his stomach growled. He glance up at the clock 7:45 pm. He grabbed his crutches and began the slow journey downstairs. As he finally made it to the kitchen, he got a waft of tacos. If there was a thing that Amphitrite was good at it was cooking. To his dismay his father wasn't in the kitchen. It was only Triton and Amphitrite.

"Are you just going to stand there, or are you going to be useful and serve yourself some dinner" Amphitrite said while glaring at him.

Welcome home Percy. Welcome home.


Amphitrite will be the evil stepmother and Triton is the brother who doesn't bother with his half brother.

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