Chapter 10

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Percy gripped the railing with one hand and had his other hand on the wall for support. Physical therapy did help with the prosthetic, but it's a struggle for him to get used to it. He slowly took a step down on the stairs, Mrs. O'Leary treaded carefully by his side. Percy still used his crutches for support, but he's trying to wean off it. He took another step and silently cheered himself on, oh the small victories.

Triton cleared his throat behind him, "Could you go any slower? It's not like we have places to be." Triton mumbled sarcastically.

Percy rolled his eyes and took his hand off the wall and held on to the railing with both hands to give Triton room to pass him. Mrs. O'Leary still is planted by Percy's side, not giving room for Triton to pass.

"The beast needs to move as well." Percy rolled his eyes once more before whistling at her, she followed the command and trotted the rest of the stairs down. Triton followed Mrs. O'Leary's lead whilst tying his long hair up.

Percy slowly finished his way down the stairs, grabbing his crutches and backpack. Again he still need crutches for support, but hopefully won't need them for too much longer. Triton looked back annoyed but continued his way out the door. Percy huffed while slinging his backpack on to his shoulder, and followed him out the door.

It wasn't long before Percy was sitting down across from Annabeth at their table in the cafeteria. Both Annabeth and him have been meeting up here every morning before school since late August to work on Miss. Dodd's project.

"Alright did you understand last night's homework?" Annabeth asked not glancing up from her stacks of paper.

"Uh, about that-" Percy stopped as she slowly lifted her head and gave an unimpressed look. She sighed and vigorously erased some markings on her paper.

"I don't know why I still have hope, but I do. Well the homework problems last night are similar to those on section 9.A, question numbers are 450-465 on our project. Since you didn't do your homework, did you at least understand the lesson yesterday?" She swiped at the eraser shavings off her paper onto the table.

"Somewhat, but I kinda of lost focus twenty minutes in."

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, "I think you spend too much time in the aquarium. Is your brain filled up with seaweed?"


Annabeth sighed and mumbled something under her breath.

Percy frowned, ever since August he thought they were making some improvements with their- uh, what's the term? Companionship, yeah that sounds about right. Anyways this past week has been rough between them, every step Percy takes forward, she pushes a step back. Perhaps it's because of his prosthetic? He's been taking up more time trying to get used to it than working on schoolwork.

Percy sighed. "Truly I don't understand why you are throwing a fit if I missed a couple problems-".

Her head shot up faster than he could say 'fire'. She glowered, her eyes as dangerous as an owl stalking their prey.

"No you don't understand. I don't expect you to even get close to a fragment of acknowledgment of the pain and the work I go through. I spend day and night working, studying, memorizing for the past decade. All those years of sacrificing social events, sleeping, and most of all having a normal life, is going to the trash. I have dreams you know, college. I'm not going to let a sad D-average student mess me up."

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