Chapter 16

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Percy glanced back to see his cousins faces as he's slightly picking up on the hints being laid out in front of him.

Thalia and Jason are silently exchanging words with their eyes. They too put the pieces together, albeit faster than Percy did.

A letter containing death threats. Only one man has a history writing them in their family, and that's their grandfather.

"Mr. Olympion, please listen." Mr. Dionysus pleaded.

"No. You need to listen. I was told that this school is one of the most secure schools in the country. How is it that you let an unknown man into this school? That man could've been an active shooter for all we know!" Poseidon seethed.

"Mr. Olympion, what I'm trying to say is"

"He's right, and I'm usually not the one who agrees with him. There's no excuse, I have two children attending to this school. Now, my nephew is in the hospital from a man who wasn't supposed to be on school grounds. Explain."

"IF YOU IDIOTS WOULD LISTEN OR LET ME TALK!" Mr. Dionysus yelled back.

Thalia and Jason had their jaws to the floor. No one ever disrespected their father before, the principal was in for a rude awakening.

Mr. Dionysus coward back into his corner as Zeus ears began turning into a interesting shade of red.

"Mr. Dionysus I thought I made it clear that I know your father very well, as him and I are very very close. It would be a shame if I told him how disrespectful his son was to me. After all I am the biggest donors to this school. Your father boasts about how well his son leads the school, it will be a disappointment to tell how unimpressed I was speaking to his son the principal." Zeus carefully placed his words to appear intimidating.

Dionysus gulped.

"It would be a shame indeed. Imagine what the school board will think if one of their biggest sponsors drops out as well as the sea rescue program I offer this school. Isn't that your biggest vocal point about this school for recruitment? Now future students will miss out having a semester learning at one of the best aquariums this world has to offer. And what about the school's swim team? Surely Goode is known for their most successful record-breaking sports team. My son has broken several state records for the four years he been here. Yet it seems that isn't enough for you, now is it?"

"Please just let me explain." Mr Dionysus squeaked out.

Both Poseidon and Zeus had their arms crossed waiting for the inevitable excuse to come out of the principal's mouth.

"I and the Goode staff are very grateful for the donations and programs that you two have so graciously offered this school. Now if you would like to accompany me into the security room, I can show you the tapes of those entering or exiting the building today."

Mr. Dionysus lead the group into an adjoining office that had walls of monitors viewing the security cameras.

The principal picked up the remote and started to rewind the feed back to this morning.

"Now the center monitor is viewing the camera located above the main entrance. It's the only entrance that isn't locked, it's for students who come in late. If someone came in in would've been through that door." The principal pointing at the monitor.

They rewind the tape to early this morning filtering through students entering in the building. No one other than students entered through that door.

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