Chapter 6

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How can Percy shortly explain what happened to him in three months? His brain was going a million seconds per hour and had no signs of hitting a brake. As he tried to stutter a response to Thalia's question a group of whispering people started to crowd them.

"I can explain later but I don't feel like being in the next segment of family drama so.." Percy trailed off eyeing the curious teenagers who creeped in eagerly.

Thalia began to acknowledge the others around them. She rolled her eyes and loudly exclaimed, "What you guys never saw two people arguing before? Or two relatives fight? Geez go mind your business somewhere else! I swear Drew if you come a step closer I will..."

She left that threat hanging and shoved passed a flawless teen girl who Percy assumed is Drew, and motioned for him to follow her.

Percy shrugged and began to follow Thalia toward a row of classrooms, attracting stares from among other students. Luckily no one followed them from the crowd of gossiping teens.

Thalia finally stopped in front of a classroom and knocked before entering. Percy shyly followed her in not knowing what else to do. In there was a middle aged man in a wheelchair with kind brown eyes.

"Hi Mr. Brunner! Sorry I'm showing Percy around and..." Thalia trailed off trying to think of an excuse.

"Of course Thalia you can use the classroom for a bit. You must be Percy." He wheeled his way towards Percy offering a hand to shake, "I believe you are in my ninth period along with Thalia and Jason. It would be a pleasure for me to have you as my student. I'm very excited to have all three of you in my last period of the day." He ended with a smile and Percy shook his hand. He wheeled off to the door. "I'll be back in thirty minutes before classes start. Hopefully that gives you enough time."

"It does thank you so much again Mr. Brunner" Thalia said as he left.  Thalia plopped down in a desk, and stared at Percy with a tilted head, " You have a lot of explaining to do" her eyes lingered on my shortened limb.

Percy also took a seat and sighed, " I honestly don't know where to begin... Has Zeus mentioned anything?"

Thalia scrunched here eyebrows on thought, "No" then she snorted, "He doesn't mention anything that doesn't involve him anyways."

That's true. "Okay let me start in May. I remember packing for the summer trip. Then everything changed." Percy closed his eyes as he recalled the screams of his dying mother and stepfather

"What changed? Did you get attacked by a shark when you were helping Poseidon on the job? Is that why you are in New York? Is your Mom here? She makes the best cookies man."

Percy held up a hand to signal to her stop, "No Thalia. On the way to the airport there was an accident killing both my mom and Paul and took half my leg with it."

Thalia's eyes got wide and started to look like a fish out of water. "I-um. Geez well.. I-Uh. How do I... Percy I'm so sorry".

Any other time this would have been amusing to see Thalia in this state. But given the circumstances Percy didn't feel like commenting on her lack of words. Instead he nodded his head and continued.

"That's why I'm in New York. I'm staying with my dad, stepmom, and Triton." Percy shrugged again, "Just got to New York a week ago. Still adapting to the situation and all."

Thalia drummed her ring fingers on the desk. Her expression still looks like a fish out of water, "I- my father didn't mention anything about an accident, neither had Jason or Nico, they probably don't know either..." She trailed off. "We need to tell them...Hey what is your lunch period?"

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