Chapter 18

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"Do you want any modifications with your prosthetic?"

Percy stopped cutting the wood he was working on.

"What kind of modifications are you talking about?"

"The possibilities are endless, you can basically add anything to it. It all depends on what you prefer. The more practical options; we can build a built in water or soda holder. We can install a built in fan to keep you cool during the summer. We can even put a hidden knife in there-"

"Why would I need a knife?"

Leo took off his safety googles, "It's a dangerous world out there. It would be wise to have some sort of protection, and they'll never know it's in there."

Percy opened his mouth to decline, before the voice in his head told him it might be wise to have a hidden weapon.

"You know what? I might actually take you up on that offer"


"How long would it take you to assemble it?"

"It depends on the model of your prosthetic. Can I see your prosthetic?"

Percy unstrapped the prosthetic from his stump and handed it over to Leo. Leo inspected the prosthetic as he kept turning it at different angles.

"It's a standard model, it shouldn't take too long. I'll say it will take me about a class period to modify it."

"Only a class period?"

"Yeah, it will take less than ten minutes to put the knife into the position. I'll spend the rest of the period installing the button and make sure the knife is fully concealed."

Percy glanced around the classroom, the teacher stood at the Stoll brothers station. Mr. Beckendorf hasn't left that station all period and has been stationed there for the past month, after the incident with the saw. The teacher will pay them no attention if they do it in this class.

"Do you have the materials to do it in class tomorrow? Mr. Beckendorf wouldn't see as he's preoccupied making sure the brothers don't lose their hands."

"Absolutely! I just need one part that I'll get from Hephaestus-"

"Hephaestus? Is he in his early to mid twenties with a birthmark that covers half of his face?"

"Yes that's the one. He used to babysit me after my mother died. He's the one who introduced me to the building and carpenter lifestyle. Do you know him?"

"Yeah, he's my cousin."

"Really? Small world! But yeah I'll visit him tonight and we can do this tomorrow in class."

"Sounds like a plan."


Sixth Period

"I think they changed their recipe?" Grover said frowning.

"It tastes the same to me." Piper said taking a bite of the meatball sub.

"It tastes different to me. Did you get the mozzarella cheese on the top?" Grover said sniffing the sun.

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