Chapter 14

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Half out of it, Percy stared at the stream of syrup in a daze as it drowned his pancakes. It's barely nine in the morning, way earlier than what he wanted to be up. The scent of blueberry pancakes made his stomach override his brain as it made its decision to eat rather than to sleep. So here Percy was groggily sitting at the kitchen table on Christmas morning drowning his pancakes.

Poseidon and Amphitrite were talking quietly in the living room. Percy didn't care enough, or more accurately not awake enough to try and eavesdrop.

Percy yawned and screwed back on the top of the syrup once he efficiently decided that's the correct amount of syrup. Mrs. O'Leary put her head on his lap drooling, yearning for Percy's pancakes. He patted her head affectionately, thinking she's a fool if she thought she was getting any of his pancakes.

Triton came down the stairs rubbing his eyes. The smell of breakfast is probably why he came down so early. Triton half hazardously thrown a wool robe on top of his pajamas, and his long hair was down. He stared at the plate of pancake on the counter, before shrugging and grabbing a plate himself.

Triton took the plate and a glass of orange juice and attempted to go back up to his room with his breakfast.

"Triton you better not be taking that plate to your room, young man!" Amphitrite yelled from the living room.

"No mother I wasn't." Triton replied as he grumpily trudge back downstairs. He sat across from Percy at the table with a huff.

Both Amphitrite and Poseidon ended their conversation and walked into the kitchen.

"Boys, we have a surprise for you." Poseidon said with a smile.

Percy raised a brow, while Triton pours the whole bottle of syrup onto his pancakes. Amphitrite scoffed.

"Triton that is way too much syrup. You're going to have a heart attack if you eat that much syrup."

Triton ignored her and still proceeded to drown the pancakes in maplely goodness.

"Heart attacks aside; since this is the first semester I didn't have to make an appearance at the principals office for a scrabble with Luke."-

Triton shot Percy a glare to shut up. Percy raised a brow at him, he knew they didn't get along, but damn that's on another whole level.

-"Also since there hasn't been an incident between the two of you. I've got you something."

Poseidon reached into his pockets. Triton's eyes widen at the unmistakable sound of keys. Poseidon tossed the keys to Triton and he caught them.

"You're joking, right?" Triton with the eyes as the size of saucer plates asked.

"Nope. It's all yours."

Triton shot up from his chair and bolted to the window facing the driveway, a new green Kia Sportage car sat in the driveway. He let out a high pitch shriek before rushing outside barefooted.

Amphitrite face palmed before rushing after her son. "Triton put on your shoes! It's icy out. Do you not know it's winter?"

Poseidon let out a chuckle watching his eldest being scolded by his mother. He then turned to his youngest son.

"So I've heard that you got roped into doing a project with Athena's daughter for the semester?"

Percy groaned taking another bite of his pancakes, "Don't remind me. I'm just happy it's over with."

"Well if she's anything like her mother... Yikes!I swear that woman is from Satan itself. Impossible to get along with, always have something to knit-pick. Did you know she had a pet owl? She brought it to school once and it almost pecked my eyes out! That woman is bizarre, and a nuisance. She crawled out of someone's ass, that's for sure." Poseidon shivered.

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