Chapter 12

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Percy ran his hand over his face what felt like the hundredth time today. His grandfather wants to kill him!

He paced his room once more. Mrs. O'Leary lazily lifted her head from the bed. She been comforting him for the past two hours, but she grew weary. He huffed out a breath, and glanced out the window. Hades is the first to show.

Percy turned the door knob and swung his bedroom door open. Mrs. O'Leary jumped from the bed and darted from his room. He followed her lead.

Percy trotted down the stairs as the front door open. Hades and his wife Persephone entered with Nico trailing behind. Hades face is etched with a grimace, while Nico looks like a deer in the headlights. Given the circumstances, Percy couldn't blame him.

Mrs. O'Leary greets Nico with jumping on him, knocking him down on the ground.

"Mrs. O'Leary!" Percy called, shocked. It's very uncharacteristic of her to jump on people. She did go through some training for her to be a emotional support, and jumping on a person isn't allowed.

Percy saw Nico squirm under Mrs. O'Leary, his hands trying to push her away from the assaulting tongue that was licking his face.

Percy helped pull her off. He glance at her expecting to see an expression of guilt on her face, but she look proud of herself. Percy needed to ask what practice his dad got her from?

Percy held out a hand to help Nico up. Nico took it and Percy pulled him off the ground. Nico looks a bit disoriented, but he shook it off.

Percy cleared his throat uncomfortably having zero idea what to say to him. He just found out the reason behind Nico's sister death, and now the poor kid has to relive it all over again.

Nico just put his hands back in his pockets and followed his father into the kitchen, a very happy Newfoundland trailing behind him.

Percy was about to follow when the door open again. Hestia and to his surprise Demeter walked through. Percy hasn't seen Aunt Demeter since his father's wedding to Amphitrite nine years ago.

Percy knew this was serious, but he didn't think it was that serious for her to show.

"Oh Percy!" Hestia said before enveloping him into a hug. "Are you alright? He didn't touch you did he?"

Percy wrapped his arms around her and shook his head no.

She let out a sigh of relief. "Good, oh you had me so worry once I heard the news. We will get this sorted and taken care of Percy, I promise" Hestia said squeezing harder at the last sentence to emphasize it.

Percy just nodded not believing her, but didn't have to heart to voice it. They both drop their arms and smiled at each other trying to relieve the tension.

He glanced back at Demeter. She was just staring at his stump with a disapproving look in her eye. " Percy, now tell me how much wheat and grain to you consume every morning? You know breakfast is the most important meal of the day. I'm sure if you had enough cereal in the mornings you will have both of your legs"-

"DEMETER!" Hestia hissed.

Percy just blinked as he remembered why Demeter wasn't invited to family gatherings anymore.

"The others are in kitchen". Percy pipped up.

Hestia grabbed Demeter's arm before she could make another comment and lead her into the kitchen. Percy followed, still dumbstruck by Demeter's question.

Percy didn't think the mood could sour even more, but he was sure wrong once Demeter entered the kitchen. Hades glared at her his mouth forming into a growl. Poseidon let out a sigh bracing himself for a fight. Demeter sneered at Hades, her arms crossing. There's another reason why Demeter isn't invited to gatherings; Persephone.

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