christmas party

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also i think i messed up the previous chapter and put gwen twice? for this bridgette gets dj a gift and sierra gets gwen a gift

special thanks to @tiredchill for helping me with gift ideas

enjoy the chapter :) :) :)

"Noooooahhhhh come ooooon!!!!" Izzy's voice echoed throughout the halls of Cody's (parent's) house. She and said boy, along with Eva and Owen, where in the room where Noah was staying. The ginger-haired girl was holding up an classic ugly Christmas sweater, the pattern being of the Grinch. She found it hilarious, but Noah wasn't amused. 

"For the last time, I'm not putting on that atrocity." Noah said firmly. " It's already bad enough you're making me go to this."

"But Noah, it's not a Christmas party without ugly sweaters!" Owen argued. "Look, even Eva's wearing one!"

"Only because you said I could burn it afterward." Eva grumbled, a dark look on her face. 

"Look Noah," Izzy began. "If you don't put on this sweater, I'll be forced to use my secret weapon." 

"...Which is?" Noah asked.

Out of nowhere, Izzy pulled up a walkie-talkie, and spoke into it. "You can come in now." 

Noah's confidence crumbled as Cody walked through the door with a smug grin on his face. Oh no, they knew. They knew that Cody's annoyingness could get Noah to say yes to practically anything. Yep. His annoyingness, that's what it was. Did Cody tell them? That prick. 

"No." Noah said outright, already knowing he'd lost. He hated Christmas.

And Cody.

Especially Cody. Fuck Cody.


Gwen and Courtney walked up to Geoff's front door, both shivering from the cold. The two had been spending their time cuddling under the blankets, and weren't used to the weather yet. 

"I still can't believe you convinced me to go to a Christmas party." Gwen grumbled through shivering teeth. Courtney looked back at her with a wide smile, the kind Courtney only had when she was really excited about something, and Gwen's cheeks warmed up a little.

"Oh come on Gwen, get into the spirit! I just can't wait!!" Courtney gushed. "Plus, Geoff's your friend, so you would've come anyway." Gwen rolled her eyes, knowing Courtney was right. The two chuckled, and Gwen went to open the door. the thought of being inside in the warmth made Gwen hurry into the house. 

And straight into the lips of Izzy. 

"Augh!" Gwen sputtered, backing up. Courtney looked at the two from behind, glaring confusedly at Izzy. "Izzy what the hell!" 

"Hahaha! You should see the look on your faces!" Izzy barked. "You can't be mad, there's a mistletoe!" The two looked up, and lo and behold, there was a mistletoe in the doorway. 

"...Great. Just great. Now I'll have to watch every doorway." Gwen groaned. 

"Izzy, are you just waiting here to kiss every person that enters?" Courtney asked, raising an eyebrow. 

"...Mayyyybe." Izzy whistle innocently. "I have a plan to kiss everyone here! Even the stinky ones!" 

"...Fun." Courtney replied, already being done with the conversation. She grabbed Gwen's hand and dragged her away. Izzy simply giggled mischievously as they walked away. 

a gay as hell total drama groupchat fic 😌Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ