no dude it's party rock is

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// yes i'm posting this like two days after the last chapter, i got a burst of motivation lol

this chapter is pretty much just duntrent and noco, which was an accident but their arcs are the ones i'm trying to focus on the most right now so it worked out lmao.

also thanks for 1k reads :D

Duncan - 3rd person limited 

Duncan was not gay. 

Duncan IS not gay. 

That was something everyone knows. At least, what everyone SHOULD know. Hell, he kissed the top three girls in Total Drama! And he dated two of them! So yea, he wasn't gay. 

"Duuuuncannn...." Trent slurred from next to him. The boy took his hands and cupped them to Duncan's face, forcing Duncan to stare at the boy. Trent looked like he had absolutely no idea what he was doing, but he was having a hell of a time doing it. "Why'reee you so stressed baaaabe? We're at a party iddddiottt..." Trent giggled and gave a lopsided smile, which sent a weird feeling into Duncan's stomach.

It was unease. Duncan was just uncomfortable, because he was straight. Duncan glared at the shorter boy, and pushed him away. "Go away dude. Go hang out with your stupid boy band. They'll help with your guitar better than I could." 

Trent cocked his head to the side. "My guitar?" Trent giggled, which brought that weird feeling again. This time, Duncan decided to ignore it. It wasn't important anyway. 

"You're guitar is broken Trent! You stupidly left it on the ground and some drunk partygoer stepped on it!" Duncan said to him, angry that he had to explain it AGAIN. Trent just looked confused for a moment, then laughed again. 

"You're so funnnnyyyy Duncan." Trent said between his fit of giggles. Duncan clenched his fists as the weird feeling came back. What the hell? Why the fuck was he feeling like this? Trent was being annoying. Annoying and drunk. And Duncan was straight. Wait why did he need to clarify that? 

Out of the corner of his eye, Duncan spotted Harold talking to some other nerds. Quickly, he got up and stormed up to the lanky boy, and dragged him over (with a lot of protest) to Trent. 

"GOSH!" Harold yelled, trying to get out of Duncan's grasp. "What's your problem?"

"Get your fucking bandmate." Duncan said angrily, gesturing to Trent. 

"He's your boyfriend, why should I?" Harold asked. "Now if we're done, I have to-"

"He's not my boyfriend!" Duncan yelled loudly, drawing the attention of those around them. Duncan's eyes widened as he realized that everyone was looking at him... and Trent. Great. Trent seemed to think the whole thing was hilarious, going into another fit of giggles.

"Okay, jeez!" Harold replied. "Still, you broke his guitar, you have to deal with him until we leave!" Harold then turned and walked back to his gangle of nerds, leaving Duncan to glare at the spot where he'd just been. He groaned and let out a  string of curses before going to his seat on a couch next to Trent. The boy looked up at him with that same stupid smile, that was stupid and made him want to smile. Wait what? That's dumb, and not true. 

"You're an idiot." Duncan mumbled to Trent, crossing his arms and pushing himself as far into the couch as he could. In response, Trent giggled and leaned up against Duncan, borderline fucking cuddling. For some reason, Duncan didn't push him away. It was because he was too angry. Yea... that was it. 

And the warmth on his cheeks was obviously just because of the atmosphere. 

Because he was straight. 

a gay as hell total drama groupchat fic 😌Where stories live. Discover now