holy fuck joss updates (real)

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// uhm. hi

OKAY AGSH this was not supposed to take this long but as I was writing the duntrent chapter I realized I needed to write another chapter to establish their dynamic more, hence this chapter! however I kept putting it off bc I couldn't think of ideas that were good/funny enough

anyway yea basically im just dumb




11:43 pm

Duncan - Trent

Duncan: trent

Duncan: trent

Duncan: hey trent

Trent: uh, hi?

Duncan: i need your help with something

Trent: is it illegal bc if so i have plans

Duncan: no i wouldnt ask you to do illegal stuff youre a wuss

Trent: wow rude

Trent: anyways what is it?

Duncan: right

Duncan: opinion on pickles

Trent: nasty

Duncan: eat shit and die

Trent: .

Trent: why so aggressive??

Duncan: you were supposed to say theyre good so i can sc it and win an argument w/ dj and geoff

Trent: but

Trent: they're nasty

Duncan: no tf they're not your taste buds are broken

Duncan: just say they're not okay

Trent: fuck it i guess

Duncan: okay

Duncan: opinion on pickles

Trent: oh man

Trent: pickles?

Trent: so fucking good man

Duncan: ok really

Trent: i could eat them all day

Trent: and drink the juice like its fucking lemonade

Duncan: fuck you

Trent: they match my color aesthetic and everything theyre the perfect snack

Trent: shaped a little penis-y but thats okay

Duncan: goodbye im asking someone else

Trent: why

Trent: i did a good job

Trent: was the penis remark too much?




Duncan: DUE

Duncan: DUDE

Duncan: pretzel


Duncan: ducking autocorect

Trent: i hope you know its midnight

Trent: and you mean presley? like elvis?

Duncan: YES

a gay as hell total drama groupchat fic 😌Where stories live. Discover now