hey shitass, you want trent angst?

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// just a reminder, the last chapter was in no way serious lmao. i exaggerated a lot of the "tropes" and probably do some of them myself?? probably yea i do a lot of ooc stuff. a lot of the time the tropes are written well and are hilarious to read tho. the chapter is purely for shits and giggles.

speaking of ooc, here's this chapter!!! 


Trent: life is meaningless

Trent: all i feel is pain

Heather: why're you more emo than usual today?

Trent: what's the point? we're all just in an endless cycle of life and death

DJ: what's wrong man? 

DJ: i'm worried

Justin: his guitar broke at the party

Justin: so naturally, he's depressed

Trent: i'm so fucking sad

Heather: oh yea lol

Heather: didn't duncan break it?

Trent: w

Trent: he what

Heather: oh oops

Sierra: ...

Sierra: @Duncan

Duncan: yes?

Duncan: oh

Trent: tell me you didn't break my guitar

Duncan: okay look

Trent: TELL ME you didn't break the guitar my grandpa gave me

Gwen: wait holy shit your grandpa gave it to you???


Duncan: fuck

Duncan: okay listen trent

Duncan: i don't know who it was

Duncan: there was a lot of people there

Trent: ... 

Duncan: so don't get pissed at me okay?

Duncan: you were the one getting all up and gay with me

Heather: great word usage

Trent: What does that have to do with my guitar? I saw the photo, you could've gotten me off easily

Duncan: fuck off

Duncan: how do you know?

Gwen: hmmm getting defensive

Duncan: no im not

DJ: guys just chill out

Duncan: he probably wouldve just gotten on me again

Trent: really?

Duncan: yea

Duncan: you seemed pretty happy being all up and comfy

Trent: look i really dont care

Trent: did you or did you not break my guitar?

Duncan: i dont fucking know dude!!!!!

Trent: how do you not know???

Duncan: we were at a party! it was on the ground! maybe i stepped on it, maybe someone else did! 

Trent: then how do you know someone stepped on it? 

a gay as hell total drama groupchat fic 😌Where stories live. Discover now