29: It's over!

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I know I keep telling myself this is a free write book, but I've slowly grown attached to this story.

And even if I don't like how certain chapters are written, I still feel proud of myself for coming this far.

"Thanks for cleaning up, you may leave now."

I said to Krista, dismissing her.

Walking past Gulf, I looked outside the room to make sure Krista wasn't eavesdropping and locked the door.

"What is wrong with you Gulf. 'My lover wouldn't mind?' When I'm standing right there?"

. . .

"What's wrong with you. Why aren't you replying to me. Do I no longer exist to you?" I asked him, because I'm now becoming frustrated with his silence.

"I could say the same thing to you mew. While I was out there having lunch, you were here cozying up with that woman."

Thats what this is about. Diane?

"I don't get you gulf. What exactly did Diane ever actually do to you? Come to think of it she hasnt done or said anything bad to you so why don't you like her gulf? Don't tell me its an unnamed jealousy."

"Jealousy? Why would I be jealous of her mew? Whatever she has, I don't want because I have better."

"Then why are you blaming her in a time like this. What does Diane coming to my office have anything to do with what's currently happening right now."

"Because I don't want her hanging around MY MAN. I don't like parasites." He said pointing an accusing finger directly on my chest.

Parasites? I get that he doesn't like her, but that doesn't mean he gets to disrespect her in my presence.

"I get that you and Diane might not be on good terms gulf, but that doesn't mean you should insult her to my face. She's my friend and has been there with me since day 1. I've known her before you, and I care deeply about that woman-"

"So now you're taking her side?"

"I'm not taking sides. I'm just saying that-"

"That you love her and care for her. That you've known her longer than you've known me. You love her huh mew? Well if you like her so much go and be with her. I'm done with this."

With tear lidded eyes, he unlocked the doors and stormed out of my room.

Fuck! Why doesn't he listen?

I don't love her. I love you.

When I said I cared deeply for her, its because she's like a sister to me and I don't want anyone to bad mouth her. But I care deeply for you because I want to spend the rest of my life with you.

We've known each other for years now. It's a familiar feeling not romantic.

Not wanting our relationship to end on something as stupid as this I ran out of my office.

Reaching his desk, I watched as the elevator closed with a Gulf in it.

Not bothering to wait for the elevator, I jolted down multiple flights of stairs.

My adrenaline and longing to catch up with gulf kept me moving.

Finally reaching the last step I watched as Gulf tried to exit the building.

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