2: I'm Sorry, What?

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Gulf walked back to his desk to gather his things.

"Krista I'm off for the day."

"So early? You literally just got to work 3 hours ago. You're kidding right?"

She said looking intensely at Gulf.

Gulf stared at her blankly.

"Do I look like a comedian Kris? Also when I come here, unlike other employees, I don't take breaks. I get all my work done and today I actually stayed around for an extra hour. My work isn't hard anyway."

"I get it you're smart. But wait for me at least until I get off. I leave in an hour."


"No. Sit down and wait for me."

"Kristaaaa." He pouted.

"Nope. I'm still your boss, and you have to listen to me or extra work for you tomorrow."

"Okay fine. I'm going to be at the café downstairs."

"Thanks gulfie." She gave him a victorious smile.

"Also I like your after work persona better than your work persona."

"Don't 'thanks gulfie' me, or I'm snitching on you to your lover. Also I like my work persona better than my after work, because I can easily avoid talking to bothersome people such as yourself with the simple excuse of 'I'm busy. He smiled then ran for the elevator.

"I know you love me anyway." she screamed after the running gulf.

"So childish." Krista said now smiling to herself.


Quickly picking up the now ringing phone.

"Yes sir Mew?"

"I'm going to head out now. Make sure you prepare for tomorrow's work day. We have a meeting with Model Retna. And you know I'm very punctual and want the contract ready and in my hand when I arrive tomorrow."

"Yes sir, and I also have a meeting with the Advertisement department tomorrow, so Gulf will be the one accompanying you to the meeting with Model Retna."

"No, If my secretary won't be there with me. I will just have to go by myself."

"Well sir Mew I strongly suggest Mr. Gulf goes with you. He was the one who wrote the proposal and suggestions, so he knows more about what ideas is to be presented to get Model Retna to agree in working with us."


Krista could hear sir. mew huff in frustration.

"You okay sir?"

"No, but it doesn't matter. Just make sure he comes prepared tomorrow."

"Okay sir, is that all?"

"Yes- I mean no. I have a question."

"Yes sir?"

"How old is your assistant?"

"I'm sorry sir, but did you just ask for Mr. Gulfs age?"

"Yes- never mind."

"He's 25 sir."

"Okay. Are you sure he is a good candidate to go with me tomorrow? Nobody else good enough to go with me?"

"Yes sir, I'm 100% sure he's the best fit to be there tomorrow."


"Sir. Mew you sure you're okay?"

"Yes. I'm hanging up now"


"Is sir. mew really okay?"

-----------------30 minutes later-----------------

"I'm off for the day Krista."

"Okay sir. Mew"

Majestically walking over to the elevator he click the button and boarded.

"Sir mew is really handsome. Greek Gods must envy him." Krista whispered to herself as she observed her boss standing in the elevator while the door was closing.

"Shit. Gulf is still waiting for me."

Rushing with finishing her work, she quickly got done and rushed downstairs to meet gulf.

"I'm sorry to keep you waiting, I tried to finish as fast as I could."

"If you were sorry to keep me waiting, you wouldn't have asked me to wait. Also I know you must have probably been glaring at mew when he was leaving."

"Me?? I would never" she said half laughing.

"Child, if looks could have made him fall in love with you, he would be whipped for you, based on how you basically breathe in his existence. And at times I think you forget that you are in a relationship."

"Shut up." She said playfully hitting his chest.

"Let's go get food, I've been waiting for you for a long time now."

"It hasn't even been that long. Its been 45 minutes." She said raising her watch really closely towards her eyes.

"If you look at the watch like that. You won't be able to see the time." I said smiling at her crazy tactics.

"I know, it hurts to see now gulfie. I guess you have to be my walking stick and direct me." She said pulling me to stand in front of her and turning me to have my back facing her. Arms on both of my shoulders, pushing me towards the exit.

"What should we eat?" I asked

"Hmmm. I actually have dinner meeting with my girlfriend so I can't eat heavily with you today."

"Then let me eat with you guys."

"If you had a lover it could be a double date, but since you don't. Keep dreaming."

"Me? A lover? Don't be crazy, nobody likes me in that way."

"Child don't play with me. I've seen basically how every girl drool at you. Even guys too."

"Really?" I asked smirking.

"I mean if you actually had human emotions or paid enough attention you would notice. At times I wonder if my girl really loves me, because she stares at you too."

"Are you dumb. The only reason she stared at me was because you were basically clinging onto me when you decided to introduce us to each other."

"Oh, anyways! I believe what I want to believe."

"She wasn't staring at me adorably she was GLARING at me, and I'm sure it got colder in the restaurant when she looked at me with those daggers."


"If I didn't know better, I would assume that you wanted her to kill me."

Our fun filled conversation lasted until we reached my car that was parked all the way at the end of the company's parking lot.

"Okay gulfie, I will make it up to you some time. I have to go drop something off. Oh I almost forgot to mention, you will be accompanying sir. Mew to the meeting with model Retna tomorrow."

"What, why?"

"Because I'm going to be busy with the Advertisement department tomorrow. Also that's what assistants do. They fill in."


"Nope don't wanna hear it. Bye." She then strode to her car and drove off.

"Its like she really doesn't like me. We're supposed to be like family, but yet she always throws me in danger." I smiled shaking my head.

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