23: Single

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Parking in front of the office building, I texted mew that I was here.

Waiting anxiously in the car, I kept checking my phone and looking out the window.

Not knowing if mew was going to be mad at me for not telling him mom we're dating was giving me so much discomfort.

I hope he doesn't think I don't treasure our relationship.

Is he mad? Why isn't he replying.

Looking at the passenger door, I watched as mew climbed in.

"Mew I-"

Before I could finish my statement mew pulled me into a tight hug.

"Babe how are you. Are you okay? How was your day?"

Relaxing in his arms, my anxiety quickly disappeared as I realized that mew isn't angry with me.

"Mew. I'm sorry."

"It's okay love. You were thinking about me when you made that decision. How about we go home and clear the air with my mom."

Pulling back from the hug a bit, I looked mew in the eyes.

"You sure?"

"I mean i have no choice, because if I don't say it Diane will butt in and try to say something. Then you will kill her, then kill me for not doing anything. And I don't want blood on your beautiful hands."

Smiling at his crazy thinking, I pulled back into his warm hugs with a content feeling.

"Let's go home babe."

Driving out of the workplace, I drove us back home.

"Mew you can go in first, I have something to do."

Giving me a questioning look, he hesitantly walked away.

Taking out my phone, I finally dialed the number that has been disturbing me all week.

Before the first ring could finish, the other line had answered.

"I'm guessing you've made up your mind."

"I'll call you the day before I come, don't reach out to me no more."

Not wanting to hear their reply I ended the call and placed the phone in my pocket.

Entering the house, I walked to the dinning only to notice that everything had already been set up, and mew had changed his clothes.

Did I spend too long on the call?

The others now noticing my presence looked up at me.

Mew's mother having a soft closed lips smile, mew with scrunched eyebrows and Diane looking down at her plate trying to act causal.

Walking towards the table where everyone was seated I took the spot next to mew, as Diane sat beside mews mother.

"I hope everything is okay." She said to me.

"Oh, everything's fine."

"Mew, you never told me you had a friend. I got scared when I walked in and saw this beautiful young man here."

"That's what I told him, but you know good looking people, like him, aren't single for a long time."

"Ooh, does he already have someone in his life."

"Unfortunately he does mom. Isn't that sad."

"I mean that's good that he's in a relationship but I'm sad. Imagine if he married in our family mew, then we would finally have a good looking person in the family besides me."

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