1: Can I see you?

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*This story won't consist of ---'s P.O.V. because I will try to make it obvious for whover is thinking what.*

Also as time goes by, you'll see me write in ()'s, read it or not, but its just gonna be me putting my thoughts or reactions in that scence 😂

Happy reading! (Also im still working on the explanation for the book)


A deep voice called on the other side of the line.

"Yes, sir Mew?"

"Come to my office."

"Okay sir."

Krista replied on the other side of the line.

Mew Suppasit C.E.O of MAGIX, also known as the 2nd biggest entertainment industry, in Thailand.

He started his company the same day he turned 20; and now 2 years later his company is successfully blooming.

*knock knock*


Mew ordered on the other side of his door.

"Yes sir, did you need something?"

"Actually yes! The report I asked for earlier doesn't seem to want to come to my office; so I wanted you to bring it instead."

Mew said sarcastically while looking at his secretary.

"Oh sir mew. I'm sorry I thought I sent it by my assistant. It seems like he forgot."

Krista said, looking nervously at her boss.

"That's important documents Krista, you should know not to hand it down to your subordinate, but bring it directly to me yourself."

"Yes sir."

She murmured, eyes now staring at the floor in embarrassment.

To everyone their boss, mew, is a really neutral person. You rarely get any emotion from him. He has slips of frustration from here to there. His smiles are strictly business smiles, and everything else is plainly on the surface.

The emotion that he's best known for when employees makes mistakes though is sarcasm. He's heavy on the sarcasm that can cause people to feel like they've done wrong even when they haven't. Like right now.

"Also call that assistant of yours it seems like I need to talk to him personally."

"Yes sir."

And with that she bowed, and left.





Krista said extending her hand toward her assistant.

"What folder?"

The confused assistant said not bothering to look up at her.

"Give me the folder I told you to take to sir Mew earlier."

"I already took it."

He replied eyes still on his computer screen.

"What do you mean you already took it? Sir Mew said he hasn't received it yet."

"Well tell him to look harder. Probably staring at his computer and phone screen all day has ruined his eye sight."

The assistant replied in an annoyed tone followed with an eye roll.

"Gulf! behave yourself. He's your boss as much as he is mine, and even if he can't faze you with his aura, it still affects me, dummy."

Krista said puffing out her frustration toward gulf.

Not getting a reply she just moved on to what else she had to say.

"Anyway it doesn't matter. You can go show him where you put it, since he asked to see you."

She said to gulf while walking to her desk and dropping herself down in her chair.

"See me? For what?"

"I don't know. Nor do I care just go to him, because if he calls me again I'm taking my frustration out on you."

Rolling his eyes gulf got up from his seat vertical to that of Krista's.

"I swear it better be something important or imma strangle him for having to make me wake up from my seat."

"I swear gulf just freaking go already. Both of you guys are a big headache to me. So the faster you leave right now, the less of a chance you have of me strangling you."

"Tsk, better be important."

Gulf hissed and walked off towards Mew office.


*knock knock*

"Come in."

"Yes Mr. Mew did you need something?"

He asked while entering the room. My body didn't fail to cringe when I heard him say 'Mr'.

"Actually yes, Krista said she gave you the folder to hand it to me earlier. So where is it?"

Without answering he walked over to the big desk standing in front of him and slid a green folder from under the stack of paperworks.

"Oh. T- Thank you.

Stutter? Did I just stutter

Mew stiffened at his lack of attention, and the fact that he was about to scold the assistant.

"Hmm. Is that all Mr. Mew, I still have work to do."

Mew being embarrassed for thinking that the assistant was careless just ended up letting gulf go and not confronting him about 'being lazy'.

As gulf was about to walk out of the room he turned back to mew and said...

"Mr. Mew with all due respect next time, if its something this minor can you not call me. I'm not your secretary, nor assistant but Ms. Krista's". Then he walked out. Leaving mew dumbfounded, sitting in his chair as the assistant left.

"Me??? Did he just talk to me. HIS BOSS like that?"

Mew mumbled to himself still dumbfounded on what happened. He was pretty amazed that a mere assistant could be so bold.

"Well kid this is my company after all and you work here so I am your boss even if I didn't hire you directly. We will see each other around here and let's see who's in charge." Mew said to himself.

"Haha. Oh my gosh I might be going crazy, to be talking to myself."

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