8: Friends?

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"Okay im ready, let's go."

I came out wearing a yellow orangish hoodie, with black jeans and a black beanie.

'I feel like a college student' I said to myself while smiling inwardly.

"Why do you look like that?"

He asked me with a clearly amused face.

"Like what?"

I looked down at my outfit once more trying to get what he mean.

"Never mind let's go." The wide smile never leaving his face, he looked like he was trying to hold his laughter.

"Tell me. Does it look bad?"

"No, its not that."

"Then what's is it. Tell me."

I was not having his amusement. I liked my outfit I think it looks good. Then why is he laughing at me?

"Seriously its nothing, well nothing bad that is."

"Tell me or im going to fire you."

His expression quickly changed, but not to what you would expect.

His smile got even bigger and im sure his cheeks were going to start hurting soon if he didn't stop.

"So, you mean YOU are going to do the HONORS of firing me? That's funny."

How is any of this amusing to him. This kid got problems.

"Well technically there's 2 reasons why you can't fire me." He said stopping at the red light.

"Why is that."

"Well number one being, you still need me until Krista can come back."

"I can always find a new fill in."

"Never said you couldn't. But trying finding one as good as me I doubt you can, you even jsaid so yourself that I easily handled all the work that was dump on me. Can your new fill in do that?"

I don't like his over confident attitude. The light just turned green.

"And what's number two."

"Number two is, you can't fire me because I'm always ready to quit. I already have my 'resignation letter'.

Resignation letter. Is he already planning on quitting. Hasn't he been at this company for 2 weeks now?

"Resignation letter?" I looked at him, not with too much emotions, nor my poke face, but with that one emotion. I think its called confusion?

"Why do you have one so soon, hasn't it been like 2 weeks since you've been working here?"

"2 weeks." His smile now slightly wavering, I guess his jaw already started hurting from the excessive smiling.

"I've been at the company for 6 months."

6 months? How come I never saw him?

"Really? Then how come I never saw you."

"Well that is because there was no reason for us to see each other. Why would you need to see me?"

"What I mean is-"

"We're here." He said cutting me out of my line of thought.

"Here where?"

"Here as in, the theaters."

Exiting the cars we headed into the theaters.

"Well in order to figure out what you want to watch, pick a genre you like."

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