3: Be Prepared

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I ended up just buying food for myself and heading home.

Upon entering I dropped the food on the counter and walked to my room throwing myself face down on the bed.

*HMMF* my voice got mumbled from the force of me dropping myself on the bed.

"Today was soo tiriinnnngggg."

"I want to go and jump off a cliffff". My words were slowing down and becoming slurred.

"Maybe if I had enough energy I could find myself a nice building to jump from." I laughed at my humor.

(This is literally me everytime I wake up, or even do one house chore 😭)

I slid my hand in my pocket picking out my phone. The time read 7:30pm.

"Ughhhhhh. Why is it still early." I groaned.

I dragged myself out of bed and slipped on black shorts, that touches the very top of my knees, and white T-shirt that hugs my muscles and flat stomach, making me appear muscular. Grabbed light grey running shoes and my phone, earbuds and house key. I left my house locked my door and hid the house key in a small flower basket outside my house. Then started running.

I ran to the track thats 2 blocks down from my neighborhood.

***** 1 hour 30 minutes later *****

I walked the rest of the way home, once I got inside my house I went straight to the bathroom to take a cold shower. Grabbed a pair of black boxers and grabbed my book from the night stand. Entering the kitchen, I warmed up the food I bought earlier and ate as I read. Done with the food, I cleaned my dishes and folded the plastic and put it in my small plastic drawer.

(I have to mention this, because I know alot of us fold our plastics to reuse---coodles to whoever made recycling a thing!)

I checked my email to see if Krista sent me anything for the meeting tomorrow.

Tomorrow arrive at 12:00pm sharp. Dress appropriately. Even if you don't like Sir. mew behave yourself in front of the client. Show her the benefits of signing with MAGIX, and ask about what changes she would want to make in the contract or if she has any suggestion. Also if she agrees give her a tour if the building and set a meeting with the photographers.

~ Goodluck and BEHAVE! My job depends on you! Also I'm going to send you other details to take care of for me, because I'm planning on sleeping until it's time to leave for work.

"So extra for no reason, she could have literally called to tell me that or even texted me." I looked at the email one more time, then started preparing for tomorrow's meeting. After about 15 minutes I was done and went to bed. With what felt like a second later everything went black and I fell into a blissful dreamless sleep.

Ring* *Ring*

I slid my hand over to my nightstand table, slowly searching for my phone.


"Morning, it's Gulf, I was told by Krista to call you at this time and tell you its time for your morning run."

At the name and voice on the other side of the phone mew jolted awake. He's use to his secretary waking him up, but today she decided to have her assistant take care of that.

"Um-. O- okay."

*Beeeep* Gulf hung up on the other side of the line.

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