16: Breakfast

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I literally had a dream that I had posted this chapter lol.

Anyways these past two days had been hectic, and I'm really mad as I was supposed to get my piecing done today but its being postponed for another week.


Upon arriving home, I threw myself in bed once again, but this time it only took me a matter of minutes to fall asleep.

*The Next Morning*

Today I have no work. So for the first half of my morning, I've been walking around, hanging upside down on my couch and just staring out my big living room window.

There's absolutely nothing to do. If that 'thing' wouldn't have happened, my plans with mew for this Saturday wouldn't have been canceled.

I groaned as I walked back to my room for my phone. If I'm going to agree to be with mew at least I want to see how he treats me on a date.

Picking up my phone I called him, and he picked up after the second ring.

"Morning?" His voice sounded deep and hoarse so I'm guessing he just woke up.

"I'm sorry did I wake you?"

"N-No. I was actually just about to wake up."

Ya right.

"Do you have any plans for today?"

"I don't have plans this morning, but I have one later this afternoon."

Plans for what? With whom? I know his schedule should be empty today.


"Did you need something?" His hoarse voice still vibrating in my ears.



Rolling my eyes I turned off the phone and threw it on my bed. How can you say you want to date someone but not have time for them.

My phone started ringing a. Picking it up, I saw mews number.

Rolling my eyes once more I answered it up.

"Why'd you hang up?"

"Because I was done talking."

"Have you eating yet?"

I shyly smiled.

"Do you want to get breakfast with me?"

His morning voice still there, but I can tell he's smiling on the other side.

"If you want to."

I said pretending not to care.

"Okay I'll make breakfast. Should I send my driver to pick you up or would you drive here yourself?"

Wait. We are eating at his house? Is that a good idea?

"Gulf? Are you freaking out because you realized its my house? If you don't feel comfortable then we can eat out."

"N-No. I'll be there soon."

"Okay then. Is there anything specific you can't eat?"

"Don't worry about it. Its breakfast there won't be any seafood at breakfast right?"

He chuckled lightly on the other side.

"No, there won't."

"Okay. I'll be there soon."

Quickly turning off my phone, I ran towards my closet looking through it trying to find something casual but good.

Since mew favorite color is white, I wore a white hoodie, with light blue jeans and white sneakers.

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