Chapter Twenty Eight: Parkour

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They won game Three by an absolute landslide, Techno helping them absolutely ace survival games and securing them a steady second place on the leaderboard, which is always a good start.

By the time they'd completed Game 4, 5 and 6 the team was absolutely thriving, just clinging onto second place. Sadly the same couldn't be said for George. By the time they were done with survival games he had began to feel the pain in his wrist grow but as a stubborn male usually does, he ignored it and soldiered on till the end of game Six where he was at the point that he was wincing every time he had to move his wrist, each small repeated movement and tap of his fingers putting stress on his broken wrist, putting him in a world of unfathomable pain.

Leaning back in his chair George breathed through his teeth, doing his best to ignore the seething pain in his wrist as the next game was chosen Parkour. Only a few more games. He thought silently, sitting back up and hovering his hands over the keyboard.

"You okay George?" Dream asked concerned from beside him as George sat, staring at his screen as the 30 second countdown started. Barely moving before sighing and muting his mic to both his teammates and his stream.

"No, it feels like someone's just stabbed me in the arm." He replied, wincing at the pain. "I don't think I can keep playing."

He was going to fail the entire team, they'd been hyping up this tournament so much and had been doing so well and of course he had to go drop out within the last 2 games because of his stupid bloody wrist.

"Hey don't worry, you're not failing your team." Dream reassured, reading the guilt on the smaller's face. "If you really can't go on then get ur ass out the chair and I'll play instead."

"What?" George replied, not understanding his suggestion.

"No point in you just sitting there, shuffle, I'll play in your place. Better then just doing nothing."

"Your not serious." George gawped.

"Yes it's starting! Go on hurry, move." He ushered, the confused George just going along with it, blackening his face cam as they shuffled around, Dream sitting in his chair as George moved the cameras position so it pointed on him once more, the game already starting.

"Have you ever played before?" The injured asked concerned, placing the headphones over Dream's ears as he stared confused at the keyboard, trying to figure out which keys to press.

"There was this one time I got summoned a year or two ago by this group of like teenage boys, they all fainted when I actually appeared and seeming I couldn't leave till they 'desummmoned me' I just kinda played on their computer for an hour or too, it loooked something like this, so yeah I'm a pro." Dream explained, finally getting the jist of the controls just as the countdown finished before running forward with everyone else and completely missing the fist jump, plummeting into the void.

"Oh my god we're so fucked." George mumbled, his eyes glancing over to his other monitor where he had the chat displayed which was full of confused viewers.

"Nah, have a little faith, I'm just getting started." Dream chuckled, letting George unmute themselves to chat before having a run at the first jump again, this time managing to land.

George decided it was better to stay muted on discord for the meanwhile till he could explain to his teammates the problem at hand. For now he'd let Dream get as far as he could, then sort it out from there.

"Hey George can I properly introduce myself to your chat?" Dream asked, glancing between the game and George after having figured out where he could read that chat which was spammed with people confused out of their mind.

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