Chapter Twenty Seven: MCC

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Sadly I'm too lazy to have watched an entire MCC before so expect a multitude of incorrect facts 👍
Also, sorry if you don't like MCC or don't find it interesting, promise me, I'll make it interesting

The next two days passed in a blur. With this 'MCC' coming up Dream decided that George was able to walk around and the he would allow George to have a go at this contest. Not that George was going to let him stop him taking part anyway.

And before they knew it, MCC was upon them and George was settling down in his seat ready to start the long expected stream. Over the course of the days since the attack bruises had slowly started to become more prominent around George's body, all along his back and a few flowering over his neck. They'd had to sneakily combat this by wrestling him into a turtle neck, because the last thing he needed right now was his views to see him covered in bruises. God knows what accusations would arise from that.

"You sure you're okay to do this?" Dream asked concerned as George settled down in his seat, loading up all his applications.

"Yeah yeah I'm fine Dream." He replied, glancing anxiously at his wrist. He'd taken plain killers for it and was sure playing MCC wouldn't be tooooo detrimental. But at the same time he could already feel it hurting already.

"Just, don't hurt yourself anymore." The blonde commanded softly, glancing between his wrist and the computer.

"Promise I won't." He replied. "Now shush I'm going to start streaming." He said, giving Dream a small smile before turning to his monitor and staring up the stream.

"Helloooo!" George said enthusiastically to his stream, pushing the pain past him as he started playing, joining the empty VC him and his teammates would use too talk on, deciding to start aimlessly running around the map. "I'm here, I'm not sleeping, and we are ready to win."

Bouncing around George admired everyone's skins. It would be Halloween in two days and everyone had changed their skin to something spooky. There were ghosts, zombies, onesies. And then there was George's team.

This year they'd all decided to deck it out in Harry Potter uniforms, each player was dressed up as their Harry Potter house, which for George meant Slytherin. Admittedly, George was in no shape or form a Slytherin, he was actually more of a Ravenclaw, but that spot had already been snatched up by the teams resident pig, and they couldn't really just miss out one of the houses, so Slytherin he was.

"You guys like my skin?" George asked, going inro F5 mode to show off his skin to his stream, crouching up and down and hitting at the air.

To be honest it didn't differ that much from his usual skin, par from instead of his usual blue shirt the skin bore a Hogwarts type uniform with Slytherin's trademark green scarf, which seemed quite pointless to the male, you know, not being able to se the colour and all.

"HIYA GEORGE!" SapNaps voice unexpectedly screeched into George's ears as he joined the VC. "Ready to ground everyone into the dust!!!!" The exited Texan shouted far too enthusiastically, deafening George and his twitch chat, the small laugh from Dream beside him signalling even he had heard it as his voice blasted out the headphones.

"Oh my lord SapNap, is it really your goal to just deafen me at every occasion possible?" George groaned, rubbing his ears under his headphones.

"Of course it is George, how else will I show you my affection?"

"I don't know, maybe you could start by letting me keep my hearing?"

"Nah, that sounds too nice." SapNap replied as George watched his character blink into existence in front of him. Like George, his character was dressed in the Harry Potter uniform, a red scarf wrapped around his avatars neck symbolising his house as Gryffindor, though, like with George's own scarf, he couldn't see the colour anyway. It was the thought that counts.

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