Chapter Ten: Just for one night

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The Spaghettie was great, Dream had to be honest, and even without the need to eat he had found the meal quite enjoyable. George making him laugh through near the entire meal, flicking pieces of mince meat across each-other. And honestly, it didn't taste half bad. He was convinced the pasta tasted off though. But yet again, it was cooked by George.

They had cleaned up quite quickly and George had skirted off into his bedroom quite quickly however Dream could practically sense is nervousness from where he was on the sofa.

Despite telling himself he would just lay down and forget about it Drean kept finding himself glancing up at Georges bedroom door until it inevitably opened, George waddling out.

"Dream?" He called quietly.

"Yeah." Dream replied, sitting up to get a better look at George. His mind was too restless to let him sleep anyway. He was sure his exhaustion would kick in soon.

"Can you..." he trailed off, looking away with a face that told the blond he was still rethinking his words. "Okay in an non creepy way can you like, please sleep with me?"

Dream looked at him blank faced. What?

"Like so, you know, you can get rid of any nightmares and stuff... please?" George asked, almost embarrassed.

"Oh." Dream replied, scratching his head. He might as well tell George that he can really do it from here. Kissing and then sleeping with George within 24hrs really isn't what his brain needed right now. "George that's the thing I—"

"Dream." He cut him off. "Just— please, just for one night." George half begged.

Shaking his head at his own stupidity Dream got off of the sofa, walking over to George. "Come on then."

Even in the dark he could see the sigh of relief on Georges face as he walked back to his room, Dream trailing behind him at more of a distance then was really needed.

By the time they had migrated to the bed it got a little awkward, George climbing into bed and shuffling over to the other side, leaving Dream the side closest to him.

Dream had never really paid attention to Georges bedroom. Well, to be honest he'd never really needed to be in it.

In the middle of the room was a king sized bed, it's headboard against the back wall. It had plain greyish colours much like the walls which were an odd shade of dark grey. Opposite the door just past the bed was a large window that showed you what once may have been a beautiful view, now obscured by other buildings alike and resting beside that window was a desk where all Georges gaming set up was laid out.

Having died before a lot of it even began to exist Dream had absolutely no clue what it did expect certain things George had either told him about or he'd worked out from his common sense.

Opposite the bead there was a wardrobe and some other cabinets which were neighboured by Hugh stacks of... cardboard boxes and an electric guitar?

Shaking his head at the males weird room he eventually followed George under the covers, slipping under the warm duvet, trying to stick to what now seemed to be his side of the bed as far as possible.

George however seemed to have the exact opposite idea to him, as he rolled over to face Dream, unknowingly inching closer to him in the process.

"Thanks Dream." He thanked, quietly, looking at the blond beside him.

Dream smiled back as a response, giving the human a light pat of affection on his the top of his head. "No problem Georgie." He replied, opening his arms to give George a hug which the brunette happily shuffled over to partake in.

"Holy shit you're warm" George breathed out, in awe of the heat practically radiating off Dream.

"Yeah that's an effect of being a demon..." he trailed off towards the end as he felt a hand grab onto his shirt and pull him closer to the small human beside him to the point George was practically drowning in his embrace.

"George." Dream chuckled. "You comfy."

"Oh fuck off." He murmured back in contentment, not fully processing his actions through a haze of tiredness.

Unsure of really what to do Drean hesitantly wrapped his arm around the small human in his embrace, shifting slightly to rest his head on top of Georges.

"Night Dream." The smaller muttered, his face muffled by Dreams chest.

They'd both have time to process the position they were when they woke up in the morning or inevitably at sometime in the night.

"Heh, g'night Georgie." Dream chuckled, also finding his eyes slowly flutter closed.

And in the night that came Dream didn't even have to stir, because whilst wrapped in the arms of the demon he held so close. No nightmares dared to come near.

Oooop- They do be a sleeping together

I have to do all my school work at home now cuz like it be corona infected so basically half my lessons I'm just writing this fanfic 😂😂😂

Next chapter is when the fun starts 👀


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