iHave a Love Sick Teacher

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Olivia's POV 

Apparently Carly sassed her teacher in school today, so dad has to go to a gradian- teacher meeting. 

When he got back he brought Miss. Ackerman, Carly's teacher with him. 

They ate cookies and had coffee, then Miss. Ackerman started walking on dad's back. 

Then Carly came down and asked why her teacher was here walking on my dad's back. 

I left when Miss. Ackerman began chasing Dad with scissors.  


Carly is so lucky, ever since dad and Miss. Ackerman have been dating, Miss. Ackerman has been really nice to her, Sam and Freddie in class. 

The doorbell rang that night while dad had have a face full of shaving cream and dropped some on his chicken. 

I got up and answered it, just as Carly was walking down the stairs. 

"Wow". Carly and I said when we saw Miss. Ackerman. My mouth dropped. 

After I was closing the door Freddie tried to come in. "Hey". He said to get my attention. 

I let him in and he got a look at Miss. Ackerman and did what every boy does when they see a hot girl. 

"Come on let's get you up stairs before you start drooling". Carly said and led Freddie and I up to the web studio. 

After a while Sam got there and they started their little meeting. 

"So what about you guys compare vegetables"? Freddie asked. "What"? Sam asked. 

"Like Sam talks about cauliflower and Carly talks about asparagus". Freddie explained. "What"? Carly asked this time. 

"See this is why Carly and I are the creative people and you are just the technical producer, who really shouldn't talk as much in these meetings". Sam said. 

"Yeah, that idea's pretty bad". I budded in. 

"Lets take a break". Carly said and they all came over to where I was with popcorn, water, and apple juice. 

Then they began talking about dad and Miss. Ackerman dating. 

The elevator door opened and dad walked out drinking some fruit punch. 

"Where is Miss. Ackerman"? Carly asked. 

"Oh, she left, I dumped her". Dad said, making Freddie drool out his apple juice and Carly drop her popcorn. 

"Oh snap". I said. 


The next day Carly picked me up from school and we ran all the way home. 

She told me on the way that Miss. Ackerman thinks that her and dad are still dating. 

"We have to talk". Carly said when we walked in the door. 

"One sec, I'm just pumping my guns". Dad said. 

"Pump your guns later, Miss. Ackerman is on her way over, she thinks you guys are still dating". I told dad. 

He dropped all of the weights on him. Carly and I ran over and helped him lift them back up on their placeholder thing. 

"What's wrong with that woman"? Dad asked. "She's loney, loney in the head". 

"Why didn't you tell me earlier, I could have been in Canada by now". Dad said. 

"Canada won't solve your problems". Carly said. 

We all jumped when the doorbell rang. Dad ran over to the window. 

"Why couldn't I have been born with wings"? Dad randomly asked. 

"Your not a cockatoo, be a man". Carly said gesturing to the door. 

"I don't think that'll ever happen". I told Carly. 

"Yeah, I'm gonna set that woman straight". Dad said. 

"No". Carly said. 

"Why, I don't want to date her". 

"You don't have to, just break up with her but be nice and sweet about it". 

Carly finished and dragged me upstairs. 

After a few minutes we heard a loud door slam. 

Carly dragged me back downstairs.    

"That was a loud slam". She said. 

"Yeah, she didn't handle it well". Dad said. 

"Were you nice and sweet"? Carly asked. 

"Yes, but she wasn't". Dad said holding up a ripped stuffed pig head and cow body. 

I shook my head to clear it. "Why is my life so weird". I said and went to Amya's house. 

Amya and I watched iCarly that night and dad and Miss. Ackerman were on it. 

They did this whole thing if Miss. Ackerman and dad should make up or break up. 

I got on my computer and voted break up and Amya also voted break up. Then we voted break up on her mom and dad's computer. 

After iCarly was done I ran back down to my apartment and saw Miss. Ackerman angry stomp out. 

"I am gonna guess that it was break up"? I asked as I walked in. Everyone nodded and cheered that the crazy Miss. Ackerman was gone. 

The next day Carly said that her plan to get Miss. Ackerman arrested worked. We threw a small party to celebrate that Miss. Ackerman was finally out of our lives. 


Hey guys, another question. Favorite Spencer invention? 

1. Bottle Bot 

2. Fan of hammers 

3. Giant Newton balls 

4. Christmas tree of noses 

5. Other 

Olivia ShayWhere stories live. Discover now