iOwe You

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Olivia's POV 

My dad, Carly and I are currently sitting on the couch about to blow bubbles at the ceiling and are going to watch them pop. 

"Ready, set, go." 

We blew our bubbles and they went up to the ceiling and popped. 

When they came back down we got soap in our eyes and screamed as we whipped it out. 

Freddie then walked in and him and Carly went up to rehearse for iCarly. 

Someone knocked at the door and my dad went to go get it. 

It was a little Sunshine girl and her mother.  

My dad started talking to him and eventually the girl ran down the hallway crying. 

"Aww, you made a little girl cry, only my teacher can do that." I said. 

My dad shook his head and looked back at the lady.  

Then Carly  came downstairs to get some juice. 

"How much money does Sam owe you and Freddie?" I asked her about her, Freddie and Sam's money situation.  

"Around 500." She said and walked upstairs. 

That's a lot of money. 

That night on iCarly, Sam told everyone to send her some money to Ridgeway. 

Does she not know that some insane fan will send the money even if it was a joke?

A week later Carly came home complaining that tons of fans sent money to Ridgeway because Sam told them to. 

Now they have to re send everyone their money. 

So here I am, helping Freddie and Carly put stamps on envelopes while Sam prints the labels. 

"Hey Sam, how are those labels coming along?" Freddie asked. 

"Good, real good." Sam said, like she wasn't paying attention. 

So we all got up and it appears Sam was looking at trampoline's online, not making labels. 

I went back to stamp putting on, as Freddie and Carly chewed Sam out for not making labels. 

Then Sam got up, said she got a job and left. 

My dad walked in as she was walking out. 

He was all dirty and stank of clams. 

"What happened to you?" I asked him. 

"Since those girls kept kicking me out of the spot near the store, I went over near the clam factory, they wanted no part of me or my fudge balls." My dad said. 

"You let two teenage girls kick you around?" I said and he stuck his tounge out at me. 

That night we had yucky clams for  dinner. 


That morning I was woken up by my dad. 

"CARLY! CARLY! CARLY!" He kept yelling. 

I opened my door and followed Carly downstairs. 

"What?" Carly asked my dad, who was walking around reading a big book in duckie pajamas.  

"Why are you sending this money back to all your fans?" My dad asked Carly. 

"I can't take you serious wearing duckie pajamas." Carly said. 

My dad pulled down his pants and he was wearing duckie boxers. 

"Really, duckie boxers." Carly said while I laughed. 

Most 28 year-old men don't wear duckie pajamas. 

"We are sending the money back because Principal Franklin said it's illegal to take money from kids over the internet." Carly said. 

"Well, Principal Franklin didn't go to law school like your big brother." My dad told Carly. 

"Didn't you go for like three days?" I asked him. 

"Yes, but I kept this book." My dad said and showed me the cover, it was a law book. 

"Anyways, it says you can't take money from kids without providing a product." My dad said. 

"We don't have a product." Carly said. 

"What if you did?" My dad said. 

"What're you talking about?" I asked him.

"You can sell your fans... Fudge Balls!" My dad said and held up a thing of fudge balls like he was in a big commercial or something. 

So that's what we did, Socko and his buddies sent everyone who gave money fudge balls. 

They got enough money for the fudge balls and for Sam to pay off her debt.  

Plus, enough so Freddie, Carly and I could each get five bucks. 

But what did Sam do when she got the money? 

She didn't pay off Carly and Freddie. 

Instead she bought a trampoline. 

Honestly, I wasn't upset, because Sam moved it into the living room of the apartment in place of the furniture. 

Then my dad walked in with his green helmet on. 

"Where's all our furniture?" He asked as Carly, Sam, Freddie and I jumped on the trampoline. 

Pretty soon he joined us. 


Hey guys. 

My summer break just started so I'm guessing I'll get at least one chapter out every week, if I feel like it then maybe two. 

See ya

Cali 🎆

Olivia ShayWhere stories live. Discover now