iStage an Intervention

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Olivia's POV

After school Carly was sitting on the couch hitting stuff with a bow and arrow while talking to Grand dad. 

Then my dad came rolling out of the elevator with a old fashion arcade game called Pack-Rat.  

"What is that?" Carly asked. 

"It's a pack rat machine." My dad said. 

"What's Pack rat."  I asked him. 

"It's a video game from the last century, I played versions on it online, but this is the original real deal, one of the most popular video games of all time." My dad said. 

"Cool, you think I'll work?" Carly asked. 

"I don't know, I have to check all the wiring and stuff." My dad said. 

"Shouldn't you be working on your labradoodle sculpture?" Carly asked. 

My dad is making a labradoodle sculpture for this doctor who's brother owns a bunch of art galleries. 

"I've got time that doctor guy isn't going to pick it up until Sunday." My dad said. 

"Hey did you look him up online?" My dad asked Carly. 

"Yeah his brother owns 7 art gallery's in Seattle and Vancouver, so make him happy." Carly said. 

"Man this thing must have been in the junk yard for a long time." My dad said. 

"How can  you tell?" Carly asked. 

"Well I don't think this is supposed to be in there." My dad said and pulled out a dead raccoon covered in cobwebs. 

How did that thing get in there? 

"Hold it." He told Carly. 

"No." She said and walked away. 

So while my dad did the wiring and stuff I had to clean it. It was gross. 

Then he started playing it.

An hour into him playing it the doorbell rang. 

"Carly doorbell." He yelled up to Carly. 

"You couldn't get the door." Carly said while coming down the stairs. 

Then they briefly argued about who's getting the door. 

Carly ended up answering the door and it was Sam. 

"Bye I need some soda." I said and walked out the door to get some root beer. 

When I came back I saw Sam and Carly leaving. 

"Hey Liv can you go make me another sandwich, Sam ate my last one." My dad asked me. 

I'm starting to think he's addicted to pack rat. 

It happens to everyone. I mean when I first found Roblox I couldn't stop playing it. 

So I went and made him a sandwich. 

But then I had to feed it to him. 

I stood there holding it and every time he had a break he would reach he head back and eat out of my palm like an animal. 


The next day I had to go help my dad collect art supplies.

I had to collect pet hair from Shampoodle's, it's a dog grooming place. 

So then we brought the stuff up to the apartment. 

Olivia ShayWhere stories live. Discover now