iHeart Art

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Olivia's POV 

Sam's mom drove Carly, Sam and I home from school. She stopped and got her ointment which luckily she didn't put on in front of us. 

When Freddie came out of his apartment we walked into our apartment. Dad was wildly  running around three sculptures. One was a Christmas tree of noses, one was a bunch of yo yo's, and one was an elephant on top of a unicycle. 

"Hey, Hi, can't talk". He said when we walked in. "What's up with you"? I asked him. 

"The art gallery downtown in going to showcase great, unknown artist's stuff and I have to keep working on my latest 3 sculptures". Dad told us. 

"You are great". Carly said. "And your definitely unknown". Sam said. "Wow thanks". Dad said starcastilcly.  

I then went up to my room and attached a piece of candy to a fishing hook and lowered it down into the street. Gibby and his little brother Guppy were walking and they began hopping to try and get the candy bar. 

I laughed my head off watching them. 

After a minute or two I took my scissors and cut the fishing hook and the candy bar hit Gibby right in the face and Guppy and I were laughing and Guppy got the candy bar. 


Later that night Carly said that she emailed my dad's idol, Harry Joiner to come look at his sculpture's. Harry Joiner is an artist that dad is obsessed with. 

The next day I was in the apartment waiting for Carly to come up with Harry Joiner.  

I saw Harry, Carly, Sam and Freddie come into the apartment. 

Dad said he can't get the yo yo to stick so Harry came up behind him and told him to use a gel to make it stick. 

Dad looked behind him and made a weird shreeking noise and got tangled up in his yo yo's. When he got untangled he asked Harry why he was here. 

"Well your little sister emailed me and attached some photo's of your sculpture's, so I came over and see them in person". Harry said. "You". Dad said, pointing at Carly. "Me". Carly said. "Her". Freddie, Sam and I said, pointing at Carly. 

Harry then went around and looked at my dad's sculpture's. "Alright". Harry said when he was done. 

"Well, what do you think"? I asked him. 

"Well, I don't love them". Harry said. Dad's face dropped. Harry's rude. "But you like them right"? Carly asked. "Not really, look Spencer your art work is colorful and fun, but there a bit amature". Harry said, okay this guy is a wazz bag. 

Then Harry left and my dad was just standing there looking like he was either going to faint or cry. 

"Spencer". Carly said. "I'm fine, I'm just going to lie down". Dad said and walked over to the kitchen table and layed on it with his head in a red bowl. 

After four hours past Sam, Freddie and I were in the iCarly studio and Carly went downstairs to get dad off of the kitchen table. 

When she came back up Sam was screaming into a pillow and pounding her fists on the floor. Sam and Freddie had a bet going that every time Sam insult's Freddie then she would have to pay Freddie five bucks. Freddie said a lot of weird things to tempt Sam into insulting him. 

I went back downstairs before iCarly started. 

They showed a bunch of my dad's sculpture's on iCarly while Sam's cousin beat boxed and played the flute at the same time. 

Then when the show was done they came down with over 30 pieces of paper filled with comments from iCarly viewers about my dad's sculpture's. 

"Are any of these comments from Harry Joiner"? Dad asked. "Okay, you have to forget about Harry Joiner". Carly said. 

"I can't anyway I got a job". My dad said. "You got a real job, you can't have a real job, your Spencer". Carly said. 

"I'm going to be a dental assistant starting tomorrow". Dad said and went to his room and Carly followed him. 

Then someone knocked at the door and Freddie answered it. It was his mom holding a clipboard and a pen.  

"Freddie you forgot to sign our shampoo agreement, how do I know if you pooed twice"?        Miss. Benson said. 

Sam and I looked at each other in a way saying that Miss. Benson is weird, like really weird. 

"You thought I was kidding". Freddie told us as he signed the paper. 


The next day Carly picked me up from school after she went and talked to Harry Joiner who said he would go convince my dad to be an artist again. 

When we got at the dental office dad is working Sam, Freddie and I stayed in the car while Carly and Harry went in. 

When they came back out dad said that Harry and him were going to work on a sculpture for the dentist office. 

The day after that when Carly, Sam and I got home Harry and dad were in the living room with a big colorful mouth. 

Then when Freddie came over dad gave Sam and Freddie 40 bucks each and Carly got 41. I only got 20. "Why'd I only get 20". I complained. "Because I used the rest of your part to pay for the window you broke". Dad told me. "Oh". I said and dad made us all hamburger's. 


Okay, I have a few idea's for Olivia's ships. Tell me which one you like most. 

1. Guppy and Olivia 

2. Chuck and Olivia

3. Chip and Olivia


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